I ran across this, and for some reason, Imp came to mind…
“Other than telling us how to live, think, marry,
pray, vote, invest, educate our children and now,
die, I think the Republicans have done a fine job
of getting government out of our personal lives.”
but the sad thing is if the democRats didn’t tell us how to live, think, marry, pray, vote, invest, educate our children and now, die, as well as try to regulate society with tax law, the republicans wouldn’t have to get government out of our personal lives…
if the democrats didn’t regulate society with tax law, we’d have much larger deficits, toll roads, even worse education standards, higher mortality rates, etc.
I’d like to see an end to corporate interests and the legalization of pot, but it’s been given such a stigma that’s likely to never happen.
Something from P.J. O’rourke: [paraphrased] The Republican party is the one that tell’s you government doesn’t really work, goes out and get’s themselves elected, and then prove’s it.
When Offering Solutions:
RepubliCAN: This is what we are doing, what we need to change, and where we will be.
DemocRAT: I have no solution except not what the RepubliCAN said.
When Discussing Terrorists:
RepubliCAN: We are taking the war to the terrorists.
DemocRAT: If we bury our heads in the sand they will leave us alone.
When Discussing Poverty:
RepubliCAN: We must offer corporations and entrepeneurs tax breaks. This will create jobs.
DemocRAT: Let’s raise taxes, cripple the economy, give unregulated welfare, make it harder for entrepenuers…
When Recruiting:
RepubliCAN: We are the party for those who refuse to be self-victimizing and self-defeating sluggards. the party for those who CAN and will do for themselves.
DemocRAT: We will pay for your food, rent, & car. Capitalism only works if YOU work and you don’t want that… the party for those that can’t do for themselves.
Has anyone genuinely shown–not just lied about–that Reaganomics/trickle down theory/take-from-the-poor-to-give-to-the-rich approach actually works?
And wasn’t it Newt Gingrich’s municipality (not sure the proper name for the level of gov’t/geography he represented) that was shown to receive the MOST “federal welfare” (or far more than warranted by its size, population, and industry), while Newt was most vocally bitching about getting big gov’t out of the affairs of local gov’t? That was one of Michael Moore’s funniest pieces years ago.
Republicans HATE to see their hypocrisy thrown in their faces, as do apologists/willing historical revisionists, who are only too happy to swallow the lies their right-wing masters tell them about the evil democrats…
I love how apologists do more contortions than Mr. Fantastic when trying to explain how Bush managed to orchestrate the most stuning reversal of fortunes/prosperity/budgeting etc. in the history of the US. Of course, they blame it on 9/11, but only fools and jingoists and the blind (and scared) accept that simple lie…
I haven’t seen this so you may want to clarify it for me… Newt was arguing for less government DESPITE the fact that his district/municipality had a lot of government aid? In other words, Newt risked the support of his district to pursue what he thought was the right course of action? I don’t get it… why is that funny and how is that to be used against a RepubliCAN? You are pointing out that Newt is not a hypocrite… What am I missing here? Perhaps Michael Moore’s specialty of distorting issues worked well on you?
History Lesson #2 {to borrow from Imp}
The worst reversal of fortunes in the history of the U.S.? Why don’t you look up the Depression Era and perhaps you will understand how bad things can really get…
History Lesson #3 {to borrow from Imp}
As for the slight change (read: GDP) in prosperity/fortunes… look into bubbles bursting and dotcoms. You may get a historical understanding of how the economy has changed. Now that you have been taken to school…
Psyque, as usual… I do not mean to sound condescending. But seriously, admit you were wrong about the worst reversal in history of U.S. thingy… Also, if you are serious about looking at the overall impact the economy has endured since the change of the Lewinsky era I will gladly provide you with a few sources that will work well. Just PM me so you can review the info. Finally, on that Newt thing… I honestly don’t get it… perhaps because I did not see the Moore piece—so, could you clarify?