‘‘Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.’’
This is a rather well known poem by W.B. Yeats…
the first paragraph anyway… and the question is why,
why can’t the center hold? What does that even mean?
this is a physics problem which is also a human being
problem… and the entire point revolves around what keeps
the center intact? Energy… pure and simple…
when the center no longer holds, that is entropy…
ENTROPY: Entropy is a scientific concept that refers to
a measure of disorder or randomness within a system…
essential signifying the tendency for things to naturally
move toward a state of greater disorganization over time…
Old age is simply entropy within the human body…
the human body naturally becomes disordered or random
as we grow older… death by old age is simply
the point where entropy has won the battle…
too much disorder within the body, and eventually, the body dies…
if there were one aspect of old age that is universal, that is
the loss of energy as we age… I am 65… and I feel that
loss of energy every single day… and at some point,
the disorder will win over order, and I will die…
and this increase in disorder happens to all systems…
but don’t get fooled by what is energy within various
systems… energy is not only energy, but time, effort
and materials… as a car ages, entropy works its magic
on the car… when we first buy a car, we have little to no
work done on that car… it isn’t necessary… but as the
car ages, things become ‘‘disordered’’ and slowly
parts begin to age, which is entropy… and at some point,
we have to begin to replace car parts, renew that energy
that part brought to the car… as the car ages, it takes
longer and more money and more energy, to repair that car…
that is the nature of all systems… we can extend the time that
car can function, but eventually, there is a point of no return where
the energy and time/money to repair a car is no longer worth it…
and this is true of all systems… which brings us to our political
system… as it ages, it takes more energy, time, and effort to
keep a system going and that is equally true of any political
or governmental system…
but let us look at the GOP/MAGA solution to government…
which is take away energy, time and effort from the government…
which is just another way of killing the institutions of government
before their time… which according to conservatives is the point…
recall Grover Norquist, who has said this;
"I’m not in favor of abolishing the government. I just want to
shrink it down the size where we can drown it in the bathtub’’
this approach, which is to remove the energy from the government,
is to, in fact to abolish the government… now energy here refers
to money… which is just another form of energy… as is time
and effort…and we know from Hobbes any attempt to
abolish the government has the effect of bringing about
a ‘‘state of nature’’… to bring about the war of all against all…
where only the strong have any rights or as Hobbes himself
wrote that life is ‘‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short’’
remove the government and we return to a ‘‘state of nature’’
and that comes from removing energy/money from the
institutions/governmental system…
one of my adaptations to the Kantian questions is this:
what are we to spend our energy on? Not just ''What am I
to do?" but on what should we/I spend my time/energy on, in life?
I hold that removing energy from institutions, governmental
institutions damage us in ways we can’t even foresee…
that our very way of life is damaged and if enough institutions
are damaged, the government itself will fall…
are you ready for that? what energy are you prepared to bring
back into the government to save it from entropy?