One question. Can you make an artist, or must he be born?

Can you teach a student how to become PICASSO or Leonardo DE Vinci, can you teach him how to gain talent, or must it be innate?


can we lose innateness?

no, it takes practice. picasso was not born with a brush in his hand.


then you say impenintent he must be innate with experience?

Then the advantage goes for the talent person, and only for him who is talent innated, not for those who are not talent then?

no, he is innate with nothing.

practice makes perfect.


you are not born with skill, but you are born with potential for skill.

picasso and da vinci were born with a lot of potential for being able to make great art, and with practice they were able to make use of it.

i, on the other hand, wish i had that potential but i don’t.

Those who strive for perfection gladly never find it. Artists work extremely hard to work through it. Then again you could also be a bit crazy that seems to help. An interesting view is found in Diary by Chuck Palahiuk or however it is spelled. He believed that to be a great artist you have to bleed for it. And I do agree with him.

There’s also a book I’ve heard is wonderful entitled “Torture the Artist.”

The only artist I saw, was Jim DAvis Garfeild, where he was young then old, very sad and old. But rich.

Now about potential with great skill, this is what I am talking about. Only artists who can achieve must have this implication. Either that he is a employee who is train in a particular service for other artists. Nothing big, but honorable, I assume.

Nature vs Nurture… uh oh. Until we can travel time we will never be able to answer this question.

Innate talent is a myth developed and proliferated by the skilled artists to discourage possible competition.

Well, it’s generally a protectionist mode for elitists.

Balls to it, I didn’t know anything about writing when I was born.

But really the potential was always there, it simply needed to be unlocked.
Some people can be trained to write but yet they will never be truly great writers.
I like to believe though that most people do carry innate talent, although it sounds cheesy you can do whatever you challenge yourself to do.

Unless of course you’re retarded.