One World or Many Worlds? Your Theories on the Multiverse

I’ve always believed in the multiverse. Iwas wondering what other people thought?

i hope ‘parallel universe’ theories fit into the things you wanna discuss. im trying to understand the concept of the parallel universe. i dont touch sci fi novels (except douglas adams) and barely understand cosmology, let alone probability… separate universes representing infinite probabilities is incomprehensible to me. i want to know more. rafar?

It seems to me, than in the act of denoting such parallel universes as seperate realites, you must disavow any notion of comprehending them. I don’t want to take the positivist line of saying that any attempts to discuss them are senseless, but their entirely theoretical foundation cannot be forgotten.

It depends on what QM intereptation you believe. Most physicists believe the MWI, though a few dissent from that. So, yeah, the scientific establishment would generally agree with you on that.

MWI …, english please?

Well I’m a big Trekkie and I believe in the parallel universe theory. But isn’t that the same as a Multiverse or am I wrong?

Many Worlds Interpretation, I think. The quantum many worlds approach suggests that for every random quantum event, the world splits into actual, causally distinct worlds that instantiate the outcomes. On another reading, the worlds are not causally distinct (in which case they could conceivably be considered part of the same world), a theory perhaps borne out by unusual empirical results, such as particles that apparently interfere with themselves (or ghostly possibilities of themselves).

The multiverse theory tends to refer to one actual world but with many universes within it. These are generally considered causally distinct on account of their theorised separation and relative recession, which render them beyond reach at lightspeed. If space is infinite and unifom, as some observation suggests, we should expect other universe beyond our own, and after an unimaginable distance (10^10^115 metres, if I remember correctly) a statistically expected repeat of our universe. This is probably most consistent with the common idea of a parallel universe.

Try this documentary to know more about the theory of the multiverse.

Believing in it is quite unscientific, but scientist are trying prove it. If I’m correct the multiverse idea comes from the superstring-theory (also explained in that documentary), and it implicates multiple dimensions.

If parallel universe and multiverse or mutiple dimensions aren’t the same, they point at the same direction? An (theoritical) existence beyond our views?

i think i’m leaning towards that perspective …that if their not ‘causally connected’ and we can’t know anything about them, then there’s not much to say about them at all.

its sort of a natural limit on our knowledge/experience of “things” or “existence” or whatever.

I believe in a parallel universe in which I’m not a complete geek without a girlfriend… sigh :stuck_out_tongue:

So it is written, so it is done.

If you go to it is a really good philosophy site (or anything else you want to chat about). It’s not very lively at the moment but you don’t need to know a lot of things to participate while sounding intelligent.

Nah… String theorists don’t believe in the multiverse. M theorists do. Multiple dimensions and multiple universes are two different things, tho related.

Can you elobarate on that?

I am a multiverse.

Well, I my sense string theory leads up to multiple dimesions, which made ideas about the multiverse. It’s all related.

Ah, i came up with an answer for my question. Multiple dimensions are stacked in the same universum, while that/our universum could be one of many. So they are different.

Indeed. A dimension is a line of measurement. A universe is a combination of many dimensions and events which can be measured upon those dimensions.

Multiverse can be anthropocosmically parallel, time-horizontal, and time-vertical - these are the three logical possiblities set forth by the ancient Indian sages.

Here is a rather old article of mine on the Anthropic Web of the Universe.

I guess multiverse is the same as mulitple universums? Where mutiple dimensions are not ‘anthropocosmically parallel, time-horizontal, and time-vertical’, because they exist as one?

OT; I’ve read through your article, Imago, although it’s over my head, I’m looking forward to more of your contributions. looks great btw.

Thank you, it was a kind of speculation on the multiple-purusha cosmology of the early Samkhya. It turned out that Vaisesika, with its rigorous one-Atman and consequently one-world conception, could easily be deconstructed to a multiverse anthropic philosophy.