It can never be mandated.
But I believe all spiritually awakened people will graduate beyond ethnic religious dogma
and gravitate toward a universal Truth.
There is only One Consciousness in the Universe and we are all part of it.
Right now the same Godhead simply functions under different aliases.
The moral values of all cultures are basically the same.
The idea that a single consciousness in the universe, being “one”, is not truly oneness if it is not at self-unity, and the amount of disunity along with flaw and contradiction sturnly disprooves any ideal of universal united consciousness. In many cases we have the exact opposite, that most events are all ignorant and disconnected. Each culture is not the same, and the moral values may be similar, but, they are also as different as the genes and the minds.
If humanity was evolving beyond religious dogma, they would not have CREATED it in the first place, but they placed these cuffs on their children by choice, they sell the drugs and the guns by will and by their own nature, all things inhumane or bad are very human and very “good” in so far as many people thought it was necissary enough and important enough to do.
That one truth would likely be a massive global schitzophrenia of hypocritical idealism, believing man is not what he does and is.
What are you trying to say with this phrase? Who are these people more specifically? What do these people who you refer to as spiritually awakened typically believe in? What beliefs are not those of spiritually awakened people?
Those who are aware of an over-riding Universal Conscious who is witness to every aspect of Creation
Those who are aware of the basics of non-trespass on man and nature.
I have spelt out the commonalty of universal cultural ethics in many threads.
Sharing. Caring. Courage. Heart. Communication. Vision. Intellect.
Every person in every culture is aware of what is right and good about each of those ethics.
The idea that superficial ethnic differences mean we do not and never will all undertaand the same God is pure BS
We all come from the same mother and father. We all share thr same family values.
Here is the harvest of what 100,000 generations of intuitive spirituality, theological thought and pius religious practices brings to the global table of the human family.
Animism reveals the God in Nature. Shamanism reveals the on-going concern of ancestral spirits Taoism reveals the essential spiritual dynamic of yin/yang - the negative and positive atomic forces that keep the universe in balance. Hinduism reveals the karma that each is responsible for under the laws of Cause and Effect. Buddhism reveals the impersonal nature of Cosmic Consciousness Christianity reveals the wisdom of love for our neighbors Islam reminds us to be conscious of God five times a day, every day.
Put that all together and you have the accumulated spiritual wisdom of mankind and a Religion of a New Age of Consciousness.
Anthem, I know you cannot help yourself in seeking out my posts and finding something to redicule, but you do us both a disservice by the weakness of your comments. I am sure if you tried harder you could find something more cutting to say. As it is, I find you to be nothing but a mild irritant. Like a pesky gnat. One day I will get one of my kids to collect all the innane comments you have made on my threads and put them together in one long diatribe and let the world bathe in the brilliance of your sarcasm.
That one-liner was serious. All you could say about Islam was that it tells us to pray 5 times a day? Either you don’t know enough about it or you just lack imagination. Did you report me for a negative one liner? Aww.
I think your lack of imagination is also apparent in assuming that we’ve revealed everything to some universal consciousness through seven religions. What is there to explore that seven disciplines haven’t shown us? If you think nothing, I think you’re deficient.
One of my sons. (yes the one in question on the other thread) has an Arabian mother. He was initiated into Islam at an early age. I would say I have some knowledge on the subject.
Enough has already been said and written on the five major religions. What more could I add? All I have done is extract the essence of their wisdoms. Perhaps my brevity was too witty for you.
What I’m saying is how can you assume that there isn’t more to add, that these religions aren’t mutually exclusive, and that the attributes you’ve taken from each aren’t found in all? There’s no need to think that you’ve created some brandy new religion when you can say just from the Biblical perspective:
Animism reveals the God in Nature.
God created the heavens and the earth and the plants, made the animals in his image, yadda yadda.
Shamanism reveals the on-going concern of ancestral spirits
Praying to saints or talking to relatives who have passed on.
Taoism reveals the essential spiritual dynamic of yin/yang - the negative and positive atomic forces that keep the universe in balance.
Good and evil, God and Lucifer, Heaven and Hell, pork and Kosher, yadda yadda.
Hinduism reveals the karma that each is responsible for under the laws of Cause and Effect.
You’ll be punished if you do bad, rewarded if you do good.
Buddhism reveals the impersonal nature of Cosmic Consciousness
Not really sure what you’re trying to say, but I would have to think it’s that the cosmic consciousness is impersonal because it is embodied everywhere, otherwise you’d be inconsistent with your other statements. And in that case, we just have to go back to Genesis again.
Christianity reveals the wisdom of love for our neighbors
Already talking about the Bible…
Islam reminds us to be conscious of God five times a day, every day.
I don’t think there’s any specific numbers to go by in the Bible, but certainly a good Jew or Christian would tell you to always be conscious of God, not just five times a day, as would a good Muslim.
There is no such thing. All is change and approximation.
There isn’t; and we aren’t.
Explain what “One Consciousness” means in your mouth.
How convenient for you. He must be a very schizophrenic individual …
Every single one of these “godheads” was a fabrication of the people who invented it. God did not create man; Man created god - in his image.
And man has killed god, through Atheism.
No they aren’t.
Everybody does not think the same, no matter how much you might want them to.
A people’s law, or morality, is defined by it’s past, it’s conquests, it’s neighbours and it’s aspirations.
Name these foundational contributing factors for any one people and you will also have named that people’s values.
These values, though you may not know it, differ significantly from one people to the next; as do their past, their conquests, their neighbours and their aspirations.
Our body is an association of atomic elements.
We are conscious.
Therefore atoms are responsible for initiating consciousness.
Are you being deliberately obtuse or just trying to sound smart?
True to a degree. Different cultures gave God different names and tried to analyze His Divine attributes as best they could.
Prior to the invention of a universal Godhead, every single clan had their own version of God. Each believed that their clan founder was the only Divinely appointed son of God. For a national order to evolve, all clan totems had to be devalued and the Divine appointment focused on a single king. Scripture served a dual purpose. It nationalized the clans and kept the heart of man believing in spirit.
Sure, most religions personalized God. In the beginning while trying to build a national consciousness, how were religious teachers to convince the clans to let go of their own totemic images if they had said God was an abstraction of Concsiousnes? They needed something more personable.
The Buddha was only able to depersonalize the Godhead thousands of years after the Upanishads and Vedas had become standard teaching. He advocated a metaphsyical seach for Truth, which most of Asia subscribed to until modern times.
Aristotle was born around the same time. Established nationhood also allowed him to challenge the conventional personalized view of the godhead. He advocated a phsyical search for Truth - and initiated the scientific method of universal enquiry that the whole world is still engaged in today.
Yes. And that is a necessary evolutionary step.
Just as Bronze Age clan totemism had to be put aside in order to advance Iron Age nationalism, so does the dogma of written scriptures need to be put aside in order to advance Steel Age internationalism.
What I am saying now is that Steel Age Protestation/Atheism has to be put aside in order to advance a global consensus of spiritual Belief. Science is the only method we have of combating religious fanaticism. Esoteric anomalies appearing in quantum mechanics experiments are in the advanced stages of getting all people to realize that we are waging jihads over the same Godhead…
Yes they are.
Are you trying to imply that atoms are conscious, through extension? Am I to believe that all life in the universe contributes to a meta-consciousness, in the same manner?
Life does not share awareness with other life merely by being alive. There needs to be relation in order for their to be communication.
There is no imaginary Divine Force or such connecting us all into one big, lovely Cosmic Union; no matter how warm and cuddly such a consoling belief might make you feel.
We are at root each of us alone in this indifferent, uncaring, un-self-aware universe; and you need to learn how to accept this.
Such a witty rejoinder. I once again bask in the radiant splendour of your superior intellect.
I asked you this as I wondered, since you seem to believe that each religions god(s) is merely a manifestation of your own One True God, why it is that the commandments, methods, depictions, histories and personal motivations of earth’s multitudinous pantheon are so different and so glaringly conflicting.
One is drawn to the conclusion that none of these cultural fabrications had any relation to reality, but were merely a representation of a particular culture’s/Individual’s supernatural mythologies.
As is your own.
On the contrary.
Man perceived what he did not understand or could not fully conceive and applied an anthropomorphised entity upon it; as a applied personality helped him to relate to the unknown object. He called this/these “god(s)” and believed he had discovered something, when in fact all that had been acheived was a concealment of ignorance.
Similarly, man constructed morality, laws and codes of ethical behaviour for himself and applied these to his other invention, god, and took this god to stand as the pinnacle, the personification and the realisation of these ideals. (It’s called a religion; and it’s what you’re doing)
No one yet knows how the universe came to be; whether it was created or simply eternal and ever-changing. Until we know this, it is fruitless -and embarrassingly pointless- to speculate as to the “proper” reality of a creating force, should one exist.
Also, what you describe above is nothing more than one invasive and controlling ideology defaming and destroying its rival. Which is all religions are; moralities designed to enslave and control.
These are not “cultural” values.
These are inherent aspects of expression and overcoming of the human species; a product of natural selection (which I hope you believe in).
What is divergent in their expression in differing cultures is the manner in which they are valued one to the other or even in themselves. The “value” with which the particular culture holds them. Their utility.
Btw, you have carefully omitted all those “values” which you deem distasteful. I would like to add the following;
All of these are “universal” also, aren’t they? Should you not then include these in your religion as well?
Or would they be unrepresentative of your own ideals and conflictive with your ideas about “god”?
Were a godlike being real, I suspect you would view it as something very devil-like. Something immoral and unpredictable. Something unbound by your petty human concerns and hence scary; a threat.
I have very good communication with my dog. I even know how to coax a butterfly onto my shoulder. How could I have this friendly relationship if there were no common denominator linking universal consciousness?
You are at liberty to feel ignored and unwanted. We each have freewill in this area. It would be nice if you accorded me the same courtesy. Your disbelief is simply counterbalanced by my belief.
Every major religion is now admitting that. You should attend world religious councils more often.
You are refering to the rules needed to govern the as-yet un-enlightened masses. Many millions have grown beyond the need for written commandments or constitutions That period of human history and all the trauma of growing up has passed for New Agers. We are adults now and need no policing or supervision to know how to behave civilly. The rules in this state of consciousness are unwritten and universally understood. Ask any adult.
Give me a clear definition of reality? Is capitalism a reality? Or communism? Where is the reality? I fail to see it. Is your view of the cosmos a reality? Who are any of us to criticize another’s view of reality?
You are contradicting the mythology of every culture. All believed they were under exclusive divine protection.It is what gave them unity and strength, made their acts against their neighbors appear righteous.
Science is busy trying to uncover the inner-most secrets of ther Universe. Should we stop them from their embarassing and hopeless pursuit? Early men, naive as they may have been, were just as driven as we are today to give explanations. Their children demanded it then, as ours do now. Why is the sky blue daddy? All science is doing is continuing the process of self discovery.
[quote[ I agree, in their natural state these basic behavioral ethics are not artificial constructs, but founded on survival imperatives handed down from 3 billion years of evolution and shared by all animals. The difference is that they have refined by our specie to a supernatural degree over a period of 100,000 generations. 99% of that time was invested in the Stone and Bronze Ages. Human behavior and social mores during those formational Ages was more or less identically disciplined by the same positive social mores. They all faced the same survival challenges
The dynamics of apposing forces were too obvious to mention.
What I have found is that God IS very real and woe betide any who cross the line. The devil is a phony.
Nature has set forth very simple rules of non-trespass. Their survival logic is inescapable. When we trespass, the shame of our stupidy rears up like devil himself and eventually burns the ego like hellfire. There is only One Consciousness and it dwells within all of us and it appeals to all that is good and honorable in us. When we err, we each manufacture our own phony devils. And they are legion. You can bow before the invisible Truth - or before the false idol of your choice. I am not trying to make make that choice. You would be stupid to try and make me.
true yet they were not when Christianity arrived, the world has been anglicised/americanised that’s all.
a one world religion would be the same as having no religion?! as in no groups, denominations orders ‘religions’.
that is to say; the duality that divides us [in religious terms] is cause by the partitioning out of truth. you can only have one religion if all the others concede to it. having said that, if we got rid of the labels, there is no reason why the essence of all religions cannot still exist. i think this is the way it is going, most of us know about many religions and take ideas from them all.
Before Christ the conventional wisdom among the warring clans was that might was right. The weak payed homage to the stronger. Social order, large and small, was founded on that basic jungle law. Long before Rome collapsed, a young Jewish carepneter, who had shown early genius at spiritual insight, realized that using military force against one’s neighbor and confiscating or occupying his territory was counter-productive in the long term because it upset the natural order, which therefore made it intrinsically immoral - that real strength and purpose and growth came from love and forgiveness. It was the simple logic of that unconventional idea that changed and galvinized the world. Millions of martyrs died for it. Massive Cathedrals were errected in praise of it.
What has been anglicised is anti-Christ dogma that condemns other religions to everlasting hell.
What has been Americanized is idolatory before the golden calf of Baal.
The fact that you are both social animals whose species evolved to communicate and form groups? The fact that you have learned what causes your butterfly to feel unthreatened by you and to approach you?
What else?
Please: don’t tell me you think you commune with your dog telepathically.
There is nothing that ignores me. There is nothing that does not “want” me.
I do not feel lonely or unloved enough to construct some imaginary being to care for and protect me. I do not feel dissatisfied enough with my existence in order to construct an imaginary supernaturality to which I can creep when I die and in so doing be given happiness, like some drug.
I am a product of this earth. My mind, my body, my good and my bad, my pleasure and my pain - I owe to this body and to this earth.
We are all of us products of this earth and nothing more. And we will return to it when we are dead. Nothing more.
But to what do you owe your feelings of divine grace, transportation and communion; these feelings of heavenly ecstasy upon which you no doubt base your misguided faith?
To this body and to this earth, you ingrate.
This sounds very much like Liberal Non-Thought. I find it amusing that the priests are now doing my job for me; subverting their own beliefs through recognition of their competitors. What is the Left but a doctrine of mass-surrender and weakness?
There is no equality. This is a myth fabricated by the weak in order to avoid natural selection.
Their creeds must be failing if they believe it necessary to band together with their former enemies. All in all:
Which councils would these be, BTW?
You speak of brainwashing and indoctrination so extensive that it no longer needs even to be enforced.
This tells me a lot about the quality of your mind and what sort of a man you are.
What is “real” is what can be perceived.
There is a reason unicorns are not thought to exist; no one possesses empirical proof that they do so.
Further; it is not my prerogotive to prove a negative to you - I do not have to prove that there is no god. You have to give evidence that there is one.
So far, you have failed.
Your mythology will do the same, in the right hands.
Already you speak of indoctrination and mind-control, by labeling these favourably as “adult” mental states.
What further methods will you pursue, I wonder?
You have not understood what I said.
I said; it is pointless to speculate on the nature, beginnings or future of the universe while possessing incomplete knowledge of it’s workings, such as we do now.
Therefore, it is equally pointless to think about a god-creature when we know absolutly nothing about it and possess no evidence as to its existence, besides wishful thinking.
This is false moral dualism; “good” will be rewarded, “evil” punished.
Very childish. Who decides what is “good”, what “evil” and who dispenses this punishment and in what way?
Heaven? Hell?
Shall I ramble on (again) about how morality is inherently subjective, fueled by individual self-interest and a construct of the group to facillitate the aims and needs of the group; to eradicate disruptive behaviour harmful to the group - and nothing more?
Shall I once again waste my time with a moralist who wants everybody to be nice and friendly, goodand unthreatening, because he himself and those like him are unable to accept or adequately deal with the realities of a world of selfish motivation, and so form groups out of mutual self-interest through protection and subsequently begin telling eachother lies about “rights”, “laws”, “good”, “evil” and “god”?
Try reading some of Joker’s threads; he talks about little else and comes up with some very interesting thoughts while doing so …
Further: The alien nature of a god must be considered. This hypothetical being, creator of the universe, adjudicator of the laws of physics and steward of all reality(s) - do you think this creature would think like you? Do you think it would care about the same things you do? Do you think that it would share your hopes, aspirations and concerns? Do you think it would agree with you what was “right” and what “wrong”?
Do you think it would share your belief in the existence of such things? Do you think that any limited, mortal creature, such as we are, could conceive or begin to understand such an entity; what drives it?
All you are doing is recognising your feelings of loneliness, moral outrage and neediness for a Divine Father-Figure and projecting them upon the unknown and then expecting people to take you seriously.
I do. Who is not God if not you and me? What is Creation if it is not the body of God? Why should my consciousness be alien to Him and His to me when He is me and I am Him?
I was like you once, a devout atheist that sneered at those who feared death and clung like children to Santa Claus. I had no idea that I was lonely. Then one fine day He touched my soul, for reasons I cannot fathom and the sheer relief of knowing there was a universal witness and that man was not alone, almost made me pass out.
So I say to you brother, blessed are they who have seen and believe
Even more blessed are they who have not seen, yet believe.
Who are you and me, but you and me? What is the universe but the universe? Why should your consciousness not be unique and singular rather than a part of a greater whole? Why do you look around, beside, behind things for something that is not there?
Why should there be more to reality than what can be perceived?
You are weak.
You cannot love yourself, so you grasp at the unknown in search of someone who can.
If you want love, what is so insufficient in humanity?
Humanity is limitless potential. For good and for evil, whatever these words may mean to you.
I find them far more interesting than some illusory god-entity …
All the elements listed below are there in front of me. I am looking at them. They are individual universal elements. In association they constitute the human body. Therefore, as I say, you and me and the universe all belong to the same elemental consciousness. What is making them seem unrelated to you is your ego - a fantom invention of the the human mind. Your ego is not real and cannot perceive reality directly - it can only try and rationalize it imprefectly.
Like I said in a previous post, you are using only the analytical side of your mind in trying to grasp reality. Reality cannot be perceived that way. Both sides of the brain have to be engaged. Until balance is attained, your view remains biased and we will argue for ever about reality. My analytical view is almost identical to yours - but I have spent years developing my intuitive potential. That training has forced me to review what I once thought was reality and find a new balance. The net result is that I can understand and appreciate everything you say, from a purely analytical perspective - but I can also clearly see that you are intuively naive. Your ego gets angry when i mention that. And so the one-sided argument goes on and on…
Of course. Alone, all of us are. Only in unity is there strength.
The unknown reached out and grasped at me. I never consciously prayed for it. It just happened. But now that I has, it has taught me how to love myself. Without it i was in the dark and did not know that I actually disliked myself. And having touvhed me, it forces me to share the touch with others - and suffer the rebuttals in the process.
That’s just it! In discovering God I saw Him in everything - and among everything -nothing more marvelous than than this brilliant, articulate and creative creature He called MAN! – made in His very own image.