I’m on there as Ah Puch, this is an invitation to war! Lay down your pawns and sacrifice your bishops I shall take the head of your King! muwahahaha…actually I’m not very good but it’s fun to play nonetheless (unless I lose) .
It’s free to join but you’re limited to 6 games unless you subscribe…
The subscription is no different from how you subscribe here, one e-mail account and your set. I never knew Yahoo had one unless it is tied in with the messenger program like on msn but as I remember with the msn chess you had to buy a subscription before you could play…I tended not to bother after that until I came across the one I’ve mentioned here.
Well if I wasn’t at work right now you’d probably be in trouble…and by “be in trouble,” I mean “lose,” and by “at work right now,” I mean “an idiot with chess.”