Only the concept of time exists.

two of the primary tenents in kant’s epistemology are his proofs for space and time… for kant, space and time must exist to provide a playground for external events…


What makes A different from B ? they can be transformed into each other mathematically, and you need an external observer that measures the difference between them. But are they really different ? It could go from B to A and it would be the same, only change is being measured. Why should any configuration tend to go to any other ? If they were merged they would be the same, but maybe they are the same anyway even if they “appear” different. Maybe our mind invents differences. The universe is a point like object for a large enough observer, the observer couldn’t see the detailed changes.

Our pain/pleasure - sensation circuits are the only thing that measures differences. A is equal to B in another reference system, hence no time…

Whenever I think a philosophical conversation is getting too fundamental (if there is such a thing) I get a humorous professor voice and say things like “But what is the isness of it? Or is it?”

It might be one of those occasions. Time itself is an important and interesting issue, but I cringe at boiling the universe down to one property. Because then I go back to . . . the universe.

No, space and time are inherent conditions to how WE see the world. They didn’t have to truly exist. At least that’s what I red, translations are really bad in here. I think that’s what he wrote though

that’s why they are goggles.

we must wear them according to kant or the external world (external to humans) cannot exist…

“… Kant argues that space and time are both pure forms of intuition and pure intuitions. They are pure forms of intuition because they must precede and structure all experience of individual outer objects and inner states; Kant tries to prove this by arguing that our conceptions of space and time cannot be derived from experience of objects, because any such experience presupposes the individuation of objects in space and/or time, and that although we can represent space or time as devoid of objects, we cannot represent any objects without representing space and/or time…”


Yeah, but they don’t have to exist, in Kant. They are conditions to which we must submit ourselves to view the world. That’s why it’s the so called representations - the world isn’t time and space, but we must see it that way, in Kant’s view.

exactly. that’s why they are kant’s (must - irremovable) - (see - goggles)…


Was refering to this. That metaphor was perfect, I would like to use that myself :stuck_out_tongue:

notice: "space and time must exist [size=125]to provide a playground for external events…[/size]


“To” indicates purpose, not condition.

Well, the “exist” is arguable. “Exist” as in an absolute existance is wrong in Kant’s philosophy, the “Exist” as in exist to particulars (empiric beings) might work in that case, but that doesn’t look like Kant’s view, and I’d use another term or specify.

But that doesn’t really matter, I accidentally got us into a silly uninteresting discussion :stuck_out_tongue:

Purpose must exist to provide a playground for any possible thought. Hence first purpose, direction towards which you want to drive your thoughts, then thoughts, then space and time …

On the other hand any possible purpose or direction presupposes an event hence time and something transitioning from event to event, hence space, but all is perceived through pain/pleasure …

Then again pain/pleasure is always a measurement, a comparison between two distinct states, items. Everything we think, every purpose is based on judgements which are measurements which imply mathematics as the fundamental basis. So the real question is, is mathematics outside space and time ?

Can we think without constantly applying judgements and therefore measurements of quantities ?

Some “primitive” civilizations have a hard time grasping any concept of number. They usually laugh all the time and can barely understand the difference between one and two. This leads me to think that the real problem is to expain and understand why there really is any difference between one and two. How did the mind abstract the concepts of numbers, quantities and measurements ?

Another interesting aspect is that our mind, our categories and conceptual “quantizations”, as in fact language is a quantization of reality, similar to quantum mechanics, has the ability to constantly abstract from its constraints. So we can always look outside ourselves and notice how our thoughts tend towards a goal, how we are constantly measuring and judging the path said thoughts are following. We can constantly abstract from where we are.

Within the framework of the technological singularity, when we will modify our neural circuits, our mind circuits, then we can think maybe without quantities, without judgements and without even the constraints of time and space. These modified brains would no longer be a point along the concept of “scientific progress” or even history since they would no longer be measurable to anything done in the past. The whole concept of progress, increase of knowledge would become void. We will enter a universe of combinations, mind A is different from mind B, but there is no way to see both A and B since A + B would be different from either, the observer cannot observe itself entirely, the universe is actually a self referential observer, a bit like a mind talking to itself.

is mathematics an external event?



In fact there is no difference. There is only a functional difference on its consequences on our “pain/pleasure” circuits. A heavy rock is a larger quantity because it hurts us. The concept of numbers and measurements is tied up to memory, to remembering patterns, to our language and our decoding of sensory information.

We invent or superimpose a difference on items, we carve out pieces of reality and assign tokens to them, a group of bits can be filtered and/or combined in any possible way, and any possible language and meaninig and cause and effect can be designed on the group of bits (going back to the one bit universe with N time intervals…)

Numbers don’t really exist, one is the same as two or a million, in fact trigonometric functions cycle through a circle, sin(2pi) is equal to sin(2,000,000pi). And that describes a wave, a photon, or a wave particle like an electron.

How on earth did we ever conceive that 1 is different from 2 ???

When did matter decide to wake up and observe itself ? why is life a small local necessity within a sea of unnecessity ? A rock is thinking without any judgements and without any mathematics. Is a rock the result of a technological singularity intelligence ? Why should the purpose of a more “advanced” mind be something that does not use mathematics or measurements ? Why establish this particular path for evolution or progress which again is always an act of measurement, of comparison with something else ?

If biological evolution tends to the most stable structure, then why is not an electron the most successful organism ? What is dead can “live” forever …

Only modified minds have some answers to these questions, but we will never be able to know this or be inside these modified minds, and actually, can even all of matter and the universe itself ever know all the possible configurations it can possess ? Not even the entire universe (aka god) can know all the universe, it would have to be able to observe itself while observing another part of the universe. But then again why know something ? why should we follow the path of more knowledge ? If even knowledge exists and makes any sense at all…