Every villiage, town and neighbourhood (not sure if this would work in the city) should have it’s own militia. There should be no public or even private state. The militia first democratically elects a competent individual (elected annually) within the militia to organize legislation. The militia democratically legislates a constitution and then laws (what laws are constitutional or not, shall be decided by competent individuals elected annually), then it’s up to the militia to enforce them. In some towns, an authoritarian, communist militia may be established, in others, a libertarian, capitalist militia, it matters not, so long as the people are in control. There are only two universal laws every neighbourhood must follow 1. every villiage, town and neighborhood has the right to self-determination via a democratic militia and 2. Everyone should be given the option to leave a neighbourhood if they don’t like it, so long as they haven’t committed any crime, leave for another neighbourhood, or for neutral zones i.e. uninhabitations.
In my neighbourhood, nearly everything would be privatised, except maybe, maybe healthcare, that’s it. The militia would keep it’s hands off everything and everyone. If you want something from someone, you better ask politely, otherwise, bullet to the brain. I may need to state the obvious-- since we’re a militia, everyone barring children (under the age of 14) will walk around with guns at all times. When someone breaks the law, it’ll be up to the Sovereigns, not citizens, the Sovereigns within the militia to ban together and kill the motherfucker. Any motherfucking federal or global government tries to stop us, we’ll deal with the pinkos, capisci?
we dont need a militia yet in my township…every home is well armed and if someone comes though the front door unannounced they are shot…also a lot of us have concealed weapons…we dont fuck around here…
Fuck the government, the military, the police and taxes, we don’t need them. Ordinary organized, mobilized, Sovereign Citizens can and should defend themselves and uphold the law. Laws shall be decided democratically. When Sovereigns delegate their power, they lose their freedom.
That is simply what you would have it be but based solely on probability you would not be in control.
The problem with this is whoever controls the militia controls everything.
Wont vote for the controller next election? that is treason and you are executed.
Disagree with the controller? Treason, execution.
Each village has self determination but the controller, since he controls the people with guns, can define what the village is. He says it is the entire country and now the entire country is back to a state of totalitarian dictatorship.
Anyone with greed and cunning could get whatever they want from this system if they have no morals
No one controls the militia, the militia controls the militia.
There is no controller, I said they’d elect people to organize the legislative, democratic process. We won’t elect a dictator to dictate to us. Every Sovereign must obey the constitution and the law, no Sovereign is above the constitution and the law, it shall be written in the constitution.
No, because we won’t let it happen, me and who’s ever with me.