Other Dimensions?

this is a fun topic as it has been answered plainly without question. allow me to remind you of the answer please. first you are a fertilized egg, then you are an embryo in a universe all your own, at least the only one you have ever known and the only one you believe exists for that matter, why would you think there was something else out there outside of your safe warm universe? what would give you that idea? but then all of the sudden your universe is trying to squeeze you out of it as if it no longer wanted you to be in it. squeezed through what appears to be a dark tunnel where there is a bright light at the end of it. until finally you are out of the tunnel and bathed in the whitest light you have ever seen surrounded by your family there to welcome you. doesnt that sound familiar? some people near death have experienced this same scenerio which tells my rational self that this supposed NDE is really only a memory of ones birth. see that. back to multi universe, dimensions. so our first universe was embryonic as we did not know that there was something more out there that we could not have imagined. so I say to you after you are born you are existing in another universe clearly, is there then more outside of this new universe you were born in? the answer is a resounding yes! you have already lived in two completely seperate universes so obviously it is proven to you and me that yes there is something more somewhere different.

Thank you, ‘ poleflux’ for this posting.
It sound like the classic question:
what came first the chicken or the egg.

My opinion.

The Universe ( as a whole ) is Two- Measured,
there are two Worlds: Vacuum and Gravity.
What was before Vacuum or Gravity ?
Does Gravity exist in Vacuum or vice versa?
== .
Fact and Speculation.
The detected material mass of the matter in the Universe is so small
(the average density of all substance in the Universe is approximately
p=10^-30 g/sm^3) that it cannot ‘close’ the Universe into sphere and
therefore our Universe as whole is ‘open’, endless Vacuum.
But what to do with the infinite Universe the physicists don’t know.
The concept of infinite/ eternal means nothing
to a scientists. They do not understand how they could
draw any real, concrete conclusions from this characteristic.
A notions of ‘more, less, equally, similar ’ could not
be conformed to a word infinity or eternity.
The Infinity / Eternity is something, that has no borders,
has no discontinuity; it could not be compared to anything.
Considering so, scientists came to conclusion that the
infinity/eternity defies to a physical and mathematical definition
and cannot be considered in real processes.
Therefore they have proclaimed the strict requirement
(on a level of censor of the law):
« If we want that the theory would be correct,
the infinity/eternity should be eliminated » .
Thus they direct all their mathematical abilities,
all intellectual energy to the elimination of infinity.
Therefore they invented an abstract ‘dark matter and dark energy’.
They say: ‘ 90% or more of the matter in the Universe is unseen.’
And nobody knows what it is.
Unknown ‘dark matter ‘ it is matter which makes up the difference
between observed mass of a galaxies and calculated mass……
which….will …’close ‘ ….the Universe into sphere, as …….
as……the astrophysicists want.
How can the 99% of the Hidden ( dark ) matter in the Universe
create the 1% of the Visible matter ?
========================== . .

Now it is considered that Newton / Einstein’s laws
of gravitation are basis of physics, the first laws of Universe.
But the detected material mass of the matter in the Universe
is so small that gravitation field, as whole, doesn’t work
in the Universe.
So, the Newton / Einstein’s laws of gravitation are correct only
in the small and local part of Universe and we cannot take them
as the first ones.
What can the first law of the Universe be?
All galaxies , all gravitation fields exist in Vacuum (T=0K).
Gravitational effects took place only in a small area of Infinite Vacuum.
It is impossible to use GRT to the Universe as a whole.
Vacuum is “ The first law of the Universe.”
The Physics is first of all Vacuum.
Vacuum is the Source of the Universe .
Vacuum is the Absolute Reference Frame.
Without Eternal and Infinite Vacuum Physics makes no sense.
========== . .

Socratus… the irony being, of course,
that there is no such thing as an absolute frame of reference.
/ dkt80 / and many others.

When the next revolution rocks physics,
chances are it will be about nothing—the vacuum, that endless
infinite void.
discovermagazine.com/2008/aug/18 … everything
================ . .
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.

About Dimensions: SRT and Spaces.

It began in 1907 when Herman Minkowski tried
to understand SRT and created math 4D space.
He said about this space:
‘ Henceforth, space by itself, and time by itself,
are doomed to fade away into mere shadows,
and only a kind of union of the two will preserve
an independent reality.’
Nobody knew what Minkowski 4D space really was
Trying to understand it, Kaluza in 1921 created 5D space.
But nobody knew what it was too.
So physicists began to create more and more complex spaces:
6D, 7D and now - 11D space.
If we don’t know what 1+1 = 2
how can we know what 5 + 4 = 9 ?

And if we don’t know what is 4-D how can we
understand SRT and another 10-D, 11-D/ String Theory ?

Israel Sadovnik Socratus
======================== .

it is said that quantum physics discounts what we think we know about physics. reminding us that what is, isnt!

Not really it just places what we know for sure at the limits of the nano scale. It revises classical mechanics to take account of seemingly odd laws of the very very small, but has no real effect on anything at the scale of anything we can see with the naked eye. Which means that its useful only when looking at statistical models of entire systems based on fundamental laws, but loses coherence simply by taking account of classic things like say gravity.

The situation in Modern Physics looks as:.
‘ In a fact, it is quite different, than it actually is.’
/ Antoine de Saint Exupéry /