Our current form of Money is obsolete...

I was thinking today about why markets are so inherently unstable and I’ve come to the conclusion that money as it exists today is not a neutral store of value because how people no longer independently control their own PHYSICAL resources (food, energy, housing, land, etc) they live on little “plots” of land and are basically landless peasants paying rent to owners of property and thereby forced to work, and this is where wage slavery comes in. Individually, without food and energy control this means people don’t have control over their own time or lives really.

Money as we all know is really the only power besides force and violence that governs and controls peoples behaviours and actions, and determines the quality of their lives. In fact we might say that a lack of money (you’re not rich) means you are a perpetual slave to everyone in society and ultimately the state capitalists. The government is just there to step in and protect the rich from the hordes of poor and middle classes.

I came to the conclusion that individual economic power must me limited and that money itself must have some kind of laws regulating how it can be used and how much of it can be acquired (individually). as well as limiting ownership (individually). A person should get paid a fair amount but it must have some kind of ultimate limit, because it seems that the only way to stop corruption and out of this world political problems is to stop the amassment of capital and wealth into so few hands.

I don’t believe in old style UNLIMITED POWER FOR THE INDIVIDUAL kind of capitalism, I believe in an economic system that allows for sane competitiveness but which is undergirded ultimately based on co-operation and rule of law. Since ultimately we all consent to participate in the kind of socioeconomic system we live under whether we are aware of it or not.

It is really ridiculous how a small percentage of small families out of earths entire population can own over %50 of the worlds total wealth.

I figured out that the system itself is setup to steal from people indirectly by devaluing their time through inflationary pressures. Also by trategically gutting capital from certain countries and segments of the economy moving it to others in a merry-go-round, race-to-the-bottom kind of fashion when the time is ripe, forcing the economy to slowly tank and wages and expectations of workers to drop as they go back into survival mode.

Capitalism in the real world, is really a game for the rich. While we may temporarily enjoy “the fruits of capitalism” it is only because of the unions and the workers who busted their asses for our laws and rights.

If you look at employers and capitalists 100 years ago and the working conditions of workers, it was only slightly better then outright slavery. We know how all our cheap goods comes from by and large people being abused in other countries and forced to work insane hours.

I’ve also come to the conlusion that capitalism is a game of musical chairs, and certain wealthy classes of people can shield themselves from market forces once they acquire enough money and start to game the system via financial tools and monopolizing societies most profitable assets through OWNERSHP LOOPHOLES (the vampiric dollar collar wrapped around society) thereby offloading their risk onto other countries and their subject populations.

Lastly… Money itself is the problem, we need to invent a new KIND of medium of exchange that does not allow the bullshit our current medium does.

the medium of exchange isn’t the problem. the fact that there is exchange is the problem you describe. and after you decide to steal the wealth from those that have it, what do you do to produce more?


You’ve presented NO ARGUMENT on why you think the medium of exchange isn’t the problem. Inflation = Theft, how is it that someone else can devalue my time (which is finite) by raising their prices on necessities and thereby offloading RISK to me? Whether we want to admit it or not, the way money currently works is deeply flawed and part of the reason the world is so f_cked up.

Next you’re just parroting the propaganda you’ve lived with all your life, try to actually think. Try more then a few lines and putting a little thought into your posts. It’s quite obvious you’re unable to think critically about your own views.

I’ve been thinking about the idea of capped capatalism for a little while, and I think perhaps that there should be a law that allows one to only have so much money. Nobody needs to be a trillionaire. Especially when so many are financially unsecure.

This can allow more money to be in the hands of more people.

right. btw, the personal insults are not kosher.

answer the question: after you decide to steal the wealth from those that have it, what do you do to produce more?


Super - a couple of notes. It is precisely division of labor that gives us more control over our time. Subsistence farming sounds cool, but it’s a lot of hard work.

Inflation hasn’t been an issue in the US in years. Crap, I bought a 13" CRT Sony twenty years ago for $350.00 - I think it was made in Mexico. That unit, if they even still make one, has got to be less than a hundred bucks today. In constant dollars, even gasoline isn’t up all that much - but yes, it’s up.

Inflation? The fed bends over backwards to curb inflation - it’s nearly all they do. Aren’t they part of the “system”? Real wages are up. Again, inflation?

Abused workers? You mean people who would otherwise have been barely scratching out a living, working every daylight hour, who now work in a factory? Were they kidnapped?

In any event - any means of exchange is money. It’s impossible to “invent” a medium of exchange that isn’t money. I am guessing that, since money is a durable means of storing value, that you wish for something that doesn’t allow for the accumulation of wealth. But even barter allows for that.

There has never been a place or a time, since objects (or land) have had value, that wealth hasn’t been accumulated. If i own thirty horses, and no one else owns more than three, I am wealthy. If I control the land, I am wealthy. Even if i stole it all.

I think you are trying to re-invent humans.

what will they produce? why? so the government can steal it from them?


What is… this?

If you steal from someone, you are de-facto ‘seeing if you can get away with it’. People steal from people all the time on the time based on the assumption they can get away with it – legislation is enacted on the assumption that it will not be opposed.

It’s essentially the foundation for all change: Being able to do it – and the OP was theoretically talking about such an instance.

Not if you can do it and get away with it – which is essentially your motto towards the mindless slaughter of sentient beings that you often espouse, and the gluttonous usurpation of whatever material you (as in the Imp the person, as no one else has your twisted view) deem necessary, from whoever – as their views don’t matter within this belief structure.

What matters is how you are viewed afterwards. You seem to have deluded yourself into thinking the US isnt one big criminal bully syndicate, so surely others could do the same?

Aren’t they trying to inflate away our national debt?

It doesn’t help when the medium of exchange is guided by the nothingness of moral idealism economically either.

The entity of the economy as a regulating system over people’s lives is metaphysical in its operation.

Super Culture,

I like your post and later on if I can get some time I would like to post some of my own ideas on the subject of monetary exchange.

I have not deluded myself about anything. the US is the big bully syndicate… so what? might makes right.


Ok but then I still don’t understand…

Are these just threats then?

Actually now that I think about it, if you want to threaten people for suggesting that (as you might expect) people don’t like the big bully syndicate, and want to change it, then that’s your perogative I suppose.

But say somehow your stack of cards comes falling down --probably due to the enormous discontent at the labor of the many for th few-- I see you sitting around viewing it as the greatest tragedy the world has ever seen. Oh the injustice for the tribe of the Imps. Perhaps I am mistaken, but you just don’t sell the whole ‘if I lose at my game I’ll go down with my 9. mm’ mentality.

This doesn’t really surprise me, as you picked a really hard game to win at! I guess we’ll see who vivas whose revolution.

Produce? The same things as now. The reason for a law limiting an exorbitant amount of wealth is to let the wealth be spread. I’m not saying the wealthy would nessesairly have their money taken from them, because they would know their limit and not go over this limit. Perhaps they could sell their products for cheaper or something and pass the savings on while still making a moderate profit. Without the few with all the money, it would boost the financial prosperity of the lower classes.

You’re not answering the question related to the topic, and I will be abrasive with you because you’re not giving me an logical argument as to why the medium of exchange isn’t flawed, you’re propgandizing flawed and outmoded conceptions of propertarian ideals and injecting them where they do not belong.

I am not talking about subsistence farming, I’m talking about the medium of exchange and why it is flawed.

The socio-political ramifications of the nature of the medium is the problem. I have thought long and hard on this matter.

Ignore imp, he doesn’t understand the true nature of money, he doesn’t understand that people do not PRODUCE unlimited value, my doctor only gets 100,000-200,000 a year saving lives, yet people who play sports can make millions/year. The value of what they produce while in principle is relative, in actuality, the consequences of allowing free-for-all transaction with our current money system leads to immense socio-political problems.

Imp is way too immature to even be engaged in this discussion.

once the lefty pacifists decide to have their revolution, there will be vivas a plenty… and many more scalps.


and the few with all the money would take their money and go elsewhere.

