Another point:
“I’m not really informed” – Danny Bonaduce
So then why are you on Fox News? Danny Bonaduce essentially admits to being a puppet. This is the type of stuff the CNNBC report was talking about. Scripted entertainment. Bonaduce is a puppet who they selected to speak because the throws around ‘Patriot’ ‘Treason’ and ‘Kill 9/11 advocates’.
Anyways I’ve been trying to figure out for a while now if Alex Jones and the man in that video (John Conner) are disinformation agents. For me the verdict is still out but it’s stuff like this that gets me to thinking.
For instance:
Why is FOX News the only station to really focus on the 9/11 Conspiracy Truth Movement?
Well the answer to this one seems intuitive – because we’re winning and they’re desperately trying to slander the facts with their moronic ad homs and ‘These traitors should be put to death’ type persuasion. If you watch O’Reilly at all you’ll see they’re essentially trying to gear up the public to go to war with people like me. According to O’Rielly I should be thrown into prison for what I’m saying – the same ww2 prisons for the Asians that Bush just signed an order to renovate.
Why only Fox News? Why aren’t the other stations really pushing this precarious issue as much as Fox News? It seems to me that it’s because on the other stations the audience is such that facts actually do get through, and anyone who isn’t afraid, or isn’t too proud to admit to the power of logic, common sense, and money trails, can easily see the truth of the matter.
It seems the plan is to try and discredit the theory through the only avenue retarded enough, and biased enough to achieve the goal they’re looking for – confusion and more disinformation. Fox News will be the first to tell you (while insisting how ‘unamerican’ it is to think that) the number of Americans who believe the gov’t either completely allowed 9/11 or set it up themselves (the same thing in effect) is now at 1/3. The number who believe the gov’t at least had prior knowledge and was complicit is around 86%.
Clearly they’re running scared and the plans seems to be the introduction of the Patriot attitude, treason as a substitute for the 2nd Amendment, and other such Nazi-esque type things. Is the aggressive, instrusive attitude taken by Conner and Jones actually all part of this ploy? Or has it simply been turned around on them whilst releasing unsubstantiated reports that Jones works for the Zionists?
Do you see the depth and complexity of what is going on here? The type of deceptive lengths Israel can and will go through to achieve their goals? If anyone else can explain why I’m wrong – why FOX NEWS of all places is giving sooooo much exposure to the 9/11 movement.
Even if the airtime is simply to call them silly names and throw out key words like ‘treason’ and ‘punishment’ and ‘patriot’ – it’s simply way way way too much work for an already dictative station to be ordered into unless they were scared.
Which they are.