i think i could be overly reliant on pain killers. i need them each time i get a headache and stuff.i know it isnt good, but does anyone know any facts about usage/sideffects/harmful sideffects/permanent sideffects???
What type are you talking about? I have a book right here that details all side-effects.
Some over the counter types can hurt your liver and urinary tract if over used.
NSAID’s cause roughly 25,000 deaths per year, according to reports. They’re very hard on the liver, and of course the more potent forms (eg Vicodin) can be fatal when mixed with booze.
nothing strong…just things like advil, tylenol, aspirin…all that good stff
Wean yourself off them right away. They have long term side effects by slowly depositing chemicals into your body. There are a myriad of factors to take into account, including your genes, could be food, any number of things so you won’t know for sure until you begin to investigate. It is better to understand why you have a headache and other uncomfortable symptoms and treat the cause. Headaches represent a number of issues, could be something as simple as congestion or it could be the painkillers residue that is causing your body and liver to be toxified in which case you will simply be perpetuating your ‘illness’. I would immediately recommend a detox - or a fast to begin cleansing the body, to first determine exactly what is going on. Often the detox is the cure. Look at your diet, find out why you have a heacache - don’t let your doctor tell you it’s normal, it is NOT normal to have a headache, the body is trying to inform you that something is amiss. Please do it now, or your health WILL suffer especially as you get older. At around 30 you will begin to feel the effects. Trying to reverse the next 15 years is a lot harder than understanding the causes now. The body employs the laws of cause and effect - simple understanding of your own body’s messages will go a long way to optimal health.
I agree with the idea of finding the cause of your pain and dealing with it. Personally, I can make most headaches go away simply by willing them to do so via relaxation techniques. However, I frequently forget that I can do this because I have a headache!
I am skeptical of the whole “detox” thing as that sounds a bit far fetched. However, fasting does make me feel good.
Anyway, the only negative drug that you mentioned is Advil. If taken in large amounts it can burn holes in your urinary track and hurt your liver. However, that is in very large amounts.
Far fetched huh? About as far fetched as removing headaches with your mind? Give it a try Adler, you might discover something…
Relaxation techniques aren’t far fetched. I just getting rid of thoughts and belly breathing through your nose. Anyone can do it.
Anyway, what does detoxing mean to you. To me it is pseudo-scientific new age nonsense, but maybe I judge too soon?
I understand the concept of mind over matter. I don’t dispute it - I believe you when you say you can do it. I was simply trying to illustrate that you can make such a statement as you can heal your body with your mind yet you are skeptical about practical steps that might heal the physical body.
Detoxification means to rid the liver and the bloodstream of toxins caused by everyday foods and chemicals we put into our bodies. To give the body a service. Much like a fast only unlike a fast we give it nutrients and deprive it of refined and processed foods - giving only wholefoods (food that grows). Organic foods and enzyme rich juices.
There is nothing new agey or airy fairy about it. It is a very practical way to begin the healing process. You would trust chemical medicine yet you would not trust the wisdom of the body? No, it’s all a bit out there isn’t it? Often headaches are a result of eating incompatible foods. In Russia, while treating mentally ill patients, a grape fast is prescribed before any other treatment begins. Animals naturally stop eating when they are ill - this is instinctive. We have been trained by some ‘experts’ into believing this and that about our bodies, yet something as simple as breathing can ease tremendous pain. It is time we reviewed our belief systems instead of vetoing anthing that goes against traditional thinking.
[unneccissary content removed]
… but nobody said that you are!
Are you this antagonistic in real life also? I am merely illustrating a point. Nothing more.
The point that you’re illustrating is “I’m NOT a thumbsuker”, which is needless to say - that’s all my point - at this time of the night, you should be quite relaxed if not a little sleepy too…
Fine, I’ll retract it. You’re a bully uniqor.
I’m with the Angel on this one, and Alderians relaxation techniques.
The body is a complex instrument, the product of a zillion years of evolution. Then along come us monkies and say “A zillion years…? That’s way too monkeyfunking slow for us… Pass us the hammer Bongo, let’s see what we can do… [Bang] - How was that…? Any better…?”
Okay - medicine gets fairly rigorously tested before it gets stuck on the shelves, but the chronic effects of repeat exposure are still a fairly grey area. My advice, don’t take 'em unless you have absolutely no other choice. Especially broard-spectrum antibiotics (those taken by mouth) Doctors tend to dish them out like candy. They’re like using Napalm to remove the greenfly from your garden - friend and foe burn alike. Your guts have a lot of very necessary friendly bacteria, which help you digest and keep other not-so-friendly bacteria from colonizing. Ask your Doc for an alternative, and if he/she says no, get another Doc.
Beware quick-fixes, when something is too good to be true, it isn’t true.
Try harder next time.
just a note…
they talked about finding a headache’s cause… in my case, 90% of my headaches are due to dehydration, and i drink a lot of water. nonetheless, when i have less than usual, i get a headache. so it could be something as simple as that. no need to bring potentially harmful chemicals into your body. if i were you, I would DEFINITELY ween myself off of the painkillers. although there may be harmful effects now, there will be harmful effects later. today it’s tylenol and advil. a few years down the line, those won’t do the trick anymore. it will only escalate.
so drink a lot of water, get enough sleep, maybe practice some yoga (stress=headaches!), and remember to blink while typing away on your computer
That’s good advice noetician.
ditto, angel!
Nice instigation there Uniqor.
…what woulld some of those “relaxation techniques” be?