ANyone heard of This is my letter to them to request permission to donate. Just read the whole thing and try not to get offended.
Dear site administrator,
As a white American I am deeply sympathetic towards this organizations cause. I am a very prominent member of the Hampton’s community, not to be confused with the out-of-town New York, dare I say kike. A fellow member of the Meadow Club, a traditional club for the Elite of Eastern Long Island, brought this site to my attention originally. I personally was quite impressed and left in congruent agreement.
My home of Eastern Long Island now lives in very sad times. The power an influence the KKK once had up here in has vastly deteriorated, and our youth are left with only the option of pagan Odinism, or the redneck lifestyle. Although nothing may be wrong with these lifestyles, as a white elitist (perhaps it’s my bias) these are not the ways I’d rather my children have. I most certainly do not wish for them to lead a life of wiggery; the sight of white youth involved with Negroid culture disgusts me. I believe our youth resort to this out of lack of knowledge of their own culture, but this discussion is for a different time.
I strongly agree with your page, the March of Titans, which states Negroid people are attempting to steal the true identity of our Egyptian white predecessors. The more popular attempt of cultural theft has been used by the Jews to steal the true identity of the white Semites. Once again, due to lack of knowledge among the youth, their ancestor’s most significant identities were lost, which is unfortunate.
We must educate our youth about their culture before they adapt towards a lesser peoples. I believe the most successful way to do this is through the Internet. Thus, I have been brought to the conclusion that this site is best. I would like to make a small contribution to the organization, if this is fine with you.
Harvey Greenstein
Okay if you didn’t get it by now, then your hopeless. Yes I actually mailed this to