Pathways of thought, emotions, dark matter?

Maybe it’s dark matter that sways us to beliefs, or perhaps genetic makeup. Whatever the case, we can’t all agree on the same things; even if the other person knows there argument is correct… the other person may never understand.

Is it that we may very seldomly understand each others trains of thought? Like how I could never understand how an atheist could think how they do, but now I can understand why the believe what they do… but I still understand why Christians believe what they believe… No matter how much I was argued against I wasn’t swayed until a certain time of slowly developing different thoughts.

Uccisore, you may know more than anyone on here. You may see all of your thoughts making perfect sense. However, maybe you miss things in your arguments that others see, or maybe they miss things in your arguments that cause them not to agree.

Agreement can be made many times… but why? I agree that truth exists, and so does this person… because I wouldn’t argue about truth with someone who doesn’t believe in it. So then from that agreement we move on, and on, and on. Perhaps if you can lead someone to your very conclusion in the same thought patterns you have, they may understand exactly where it is you’re coming from. And perhaps only then someone can be truly changed.

I do think once we find a belief we like to settle… Now that i’ve lost faith in God, and I’m agnostic… I kinda like where I am. I’m not trying to find proof to try and persuade myself back to believing now that I’ve lost it once… but yet I’d like to… this is only confusing for me however. I could possibly alter my conscious… And if that is so… couldn’t everyone?

A. god exist
B. god doesn’t now after many thoughts about how things are
C. god exists again after many more thoughts
D. god doesn’t exists now again after more thoughts
E. On and on we feel like we progress in thought but do we?

Many of you are highly intelligent, great thinkers, and I feel very small compared to many of you. But one of you could be bound to be wrong, even though you couldn’t see how you could be, and you couldn’t see how others couldn’t agree with you.

It’s this way everyday, from relationships, to anything. Many times both people in an argument truly, fully, believe they are right, so when perhaps do we know who really is right… just whoever makes more sense to a third party? But perhaps the one thought to be wrong understands a whole lot more than typical people and he is actually right,

Example, Evolution. Most typical people call it crap because it seems stupid that something comes from nothing and that we evolved from monkeys, but more intelligent people who are experts in that area understand these strawmen and know how it works, and to them it’s not crap.

So even if you could understand more than anyone in the world, and maybe you did know the meaning of life. However it’d be the most aggrevating thing to fully understand everything and have nobody else to share your understanding with because nobody else could comprehend.

So, what is really the point of finding a religious belief for yourself when this type of idea is running wild? When you did once believe you were correct, but now you see you were wrong, and then how do you know it’s not always that way?

this topic is either a good one or a horrible one. Either it’s true, or wrong in all forms.

This is how I basically feel. Because if i try hard enough I can understand why everyone believes the way they do, and why they think they’re right… for the most part. It’s very skeptical I know, but I do believe truth does exist, but I wonder how we can find it with our minds.

Is it that some people can never comprehend just like you do? If I talked to a dim witted person about something, I could totally understand what I was saying and I would feel correct, but unless they could do the same as me they wouldn’t understand, and only when they could do the same as me could they see whether they were actually wrong or right… and perhaps if they were still right they would be a on a higher level of thought to me and may be able to explain why they are right over me… however a dim witted person wouldn’t trump here… so exclude that thought.

I’ve said enough to bore everyone, I think I got the point across at least I hope.

In many ways it is good that they “cannot agree”, because then they refuse to mentally enter into a foriegn mental style which they are not ready for, and would eventually lead to their weakening in life.

Well, that kind of “arguing against” is a form of passive-aggressive attrition, as far as I am concerned, it’s an un-noble gnawing away at things. It does not improve, either. It more-so releases frustration.

( It is not the goal of thought to produce universal truth. Thought is a body-servant. )

I stopped reading right here, I don’t feel like reading anymore of that kind of thing.

As far as I am concerned, the gods don’t need anybody, and that alone is reason enough for persons to accept the existence of distant, higher being whom is of no use, as they are too different from us and too far away. What’s of greater use to life is the earth, and the near, and the insides, and the emediate.


In fact, I would rather any argument about higher beings be this, or not at all exist:

Do these higher beings love us?
Do they help us?
How much do they help us?
What do they do?
How do they do it?

I think higher beings are more like the lion than the nurse.
They’d be more willing to kill us than they would be to “save” us, etc.

I am so made that I cannot believe.

What do you mean?

I was wondering… it sounded like determinism.

Not kill us but, perhaps use us against another being. Look at how violent this world is, how violent we are. Try looking at the world as one huge boot camp. Perhaps we were designed to be soldiers for gods.
Of all the thoughts I have ever had that one gives me the heebie jeebies the most. Perhaps because it has alot of evidence going for it.

Look at how combative we remain. We have become more and more sophisticated and civilized yet we still have a beast inside us, Why? Its not so much hate anger and fear, but look at this forum, We delight in arguing. That is combative. Even a passive person will argue.

Boot camp? Perhaps.

Club29- That’s a pretty important problem you’ve stumbled on. Keep at it. How you resolve it will frame most of what comes next.