Two little rascals feeling ornery before church,
sped the clock near the preacher’s pulpit perch.
The pastor heard the kids whispering just then,
over on the balcony before church would begin.
Consequently, the message sought both of them.
He told how important it was to keep on time,
so that the pies might taste fresh at lunchtime.
If served too soon or cooked a little too long,
they might come out terribly, terribly wrong.
Everyone would notice if the pies weren’t great,
so he made sure he wouldn’t be early or late.
When it came time at the end for the alter call,
both boys confessed to the clock on the wall.
Then after church, amazed with good pleasure,
the pies were enjoyed by all in fullest measure.
Did you like that poem? If so, try reading more of this author’s works. He co-authored the book “College By Twelve” and there you can read how he and his wife raised their first four children to start college by the age of 12. Just go to
No, I can honestly say that I hated it.
just kidding.
I think I got lost at “sped the clock” and never quite got caught up again.
Should that phrase be interpreted as “sped up the clock”?
Actually the poem would have better rhythm if the first two lines read something like “Two li’l rascals feeling orn’ry before church; sped the clock up near the preacher’s pulpit perch.”
That way each line has 11 beats.
Is the poem missing a line? If not, what is the word “them” at the end of line 5 supposed to rhyme with?