Patriarchy? Go East young man!

Waste of money.
If I was going to pay for news from the Big Apple I’d chose the NewYorker.

As it is I find 99% of news media so biased as to be completely useless opinionated BS.

There are plenty in the US, actually there are plenty on this Forum who would like this to happen throughout the West.
Giant strides have been made in the West but it is also going backwards to the 1950s as some states repeal same sex marriage law.
Why can’t some people just let others be themselves?

We are all hard wired to be “social animals”. It’s just that in particular contexts the question of gender roles comes up and we react to it. My point is that you seem to react to them given your own “intrinsic self”, while I have nothing like this that “I” am aware of and, instead, respond in a more “fractured and fragmented” manner. Given my understanding of value judgments of this sort being predicated largely on dasein.

Then [for me] back again to voting wisely based on having an “intrinsic self” to guide you, or not having one. Being, instead, drawn and quartered given reasonable arguments that can be made from many sides in regard to gender roles.

Same with this…

You have your political prejudices here, others have theirs. Are they rooted more in dasein or in a frame of mind that philosophers [among others] can pin down as the most reasonable way to think about these things?

Of course it’s about what others tell you they believe about these things. If the whole point is to arrive at “fairer outcomes” you have to hear each other out and decide what “for all practical purposes” that is. You have your “intrinsic self” to fall back on. I don’t. Then those who have only their “objectivist self” to fall back on. You either construe “fair” here as they do or you are “one of them”…the irrational, immoral enemy.

Yes, but the experiences that we all have can be different in any number of extraordinary ways. That’s my point. Because we experience things in regard to our encounters with gender roles and abortion in very different ways we come to think about them in very different ways. You have come to conclude that in accumulating all of your own unique experiences here you have come to attain this “intrinsic” reaction to human interactions in the world around us. Whereas I have come to recognize that my own reaction to human relationships is derived more from the fact that “I” have experienced things in ways that others cannot really even begin to fathom. That and the manner in which I note that those on all of the many different “sides” pertaining to gender roles and abortion are able to construct rational arguments in a world bursting with “conflicting goods”.

For me, it’s not a question of our past haunting us but of it being what it was and as such having a profound impact on how we construe the present differently.

Thus [from my frame of mind]…

Okay, more of a No God morality. But you are able to “move forward” in regard to such things as gender roles and abortion whereas “I” am not. Why? Because, from my own frame of mind, you have access to this “intrinsic self” that allows you to at least imagine that there is a bullseye – a “golden mean” – to aim for. But: there is no “best of all possible worlds” for me…only a slew of moral and political prejudices out there all claiming that the bullseye is the one on their own moral and political “dartboard”.

That is you’re intrinsic way, no…? only more input is required to be factored in, to derive your output/final decision(s)/judgement call… though it does now seem less for you, these days.

Dasein… by any other name, would still be present/exist.

I see… yes, I factor a lot less in when creating my decision-making mindset on matters… compared to you, but… then again, I am a holist.

Perhaps pride/ego etc., are the blinkers that the patriarchy wear that hinders them, with less objectivity… Eastern, or otherwise.

What you call political prejudices, I see as common sense… so, are those with political prejudices fit to lead (by what example exactly)?

A case of standing for nothing by standing for everything, ergo… lacking integrity.

My above reply is equally fitting here, in that those with political prejudices not making the most ideal governors.

Again… a case of voters getting what/whom they voted for.

That ^^^ is the definition of haunting.

Spare the (proverbial) rod, spoil the masses/society… leading to a quick decline in morality.

Have you heard of something called ‘mass consensus’ and ‘data collection’? It kinda resolves the issue you query above.