Peak Oil and World War III

Over here on the east side of the Atlantic (Europe), the whole Global-Warming debate is the MAIN THING in the news right now. It’s almost as if the The Great Global Warming Swindle documentary never happened.

Why don’t they tell us the truth . . . that being Peak Oil ?

I have some theories forming in my mind, which are basically that Global Warming is scarier, and also, that it is much more tangible than being told that all those invisible oil reservoirs under the ground are now empty.

Another possibility is that they want the world to move to renewables BEFORE the oil runs out . . . Why? . . . Because modern armies guzzle that shit; and it wouldn’t surprise me if the plan is to stockpile what remains in preparation for the final showdown . . . World War III.

Your thoughts.

  1. Oil is a renewable resource, it’s generated continuously from under the earth’s crust. If you research this with a simple google of ‘peak oil hoax’ or something more creative you can find the info quite easily.

  2. We don’t need oil at all. Free energy exists in multiple different patents whose owners have been killed or imprisoned in some desolate country for life by, ultimately, the oil gods.

  3. Global warming is the start of a fear tactic in which to make the switch from gas (when the time comes) under the harshest of criteria so that this free energy won’t be free at all. Think of it as the oil gods trying to establish once again what they have now --a monopoly-- with the technology of the future. It would actually operate in such a way that everyone in the world could have energy, for free, with literally no cost to anyone at all, but everyone will be forced to pay obscene prices. It’s like taxing sunlight – which I’m sure they’ll get to.

[size=84]Bullsh@t ( and yes I did look it up )[/size]

The Texas oil industry knows all about peak oil . . .

Certainly, we don’t need oil, but there is no such thing as free energy, at least not the kind of fanciful notions you’d no doubt suggest.

Wait a minute. You’ve totally contradicted yourself here. You started off saying " Oil is a renewable resource, it’s generated continuously from under the earth’s crust "; and now you’re saying we ARE going to switch fuels.

Make up your mind, why dont’ya.

You have convinced me of nothing; my views remain unaltered.

[b]Old_Gobbo wrote:

  1. Oil is a renewable resource, it’s generated continuously from under the earth’s crust. If you research this with a simple google of ‘peak oil hoax’ or something more creative you can find the info quite easily. [/b]

There are two main theories about how crude oil forms.

One of which, the most common, is the belief that ancient plant-matter eventually becomes oil. There was a Russian scientist, of which I cannot remember the name, who openly said Crude Oil was non-biological, and moreso a result of compression than petrification.

If I remember correctly… But, it’s difficult for me to remember in perfect detail.

2. We don’t need oil at all. Free energy exists in multiple different patents whose owners have been killed or imprisoned in some desolate country for life by, ultimately, the oil gods.

I remember Dalas talking to me about this phenomenon. He said about a certain kind of fuel injection system, which made cars use about half as much gas in order to drive, and that company and all the cars were bought out, soon the cars were being crushed into cubes at the various big city dumps. An example of corporate dogma smiting efficiency.

3. Global warming is the start of a fear tactic in which to make the switch from gas (when the time comes) under the harshest of criteria so that this free energy won’t be free at all. Think of it as the oil gods trying to establish once again what they have now --a monopoly-- with the technology of the future. It would actually operate in such a way that everyone in the world could have energy, for free, with literally no cost to anyone at all, but everyone will be forced to pay obscene prices. It’s like taxing sunlight – which I’m sure they’ll get to.

Oh shit…

But anyways, global warming is actually happening, despite what some american sophists have said. That’s why the polar ice caps are shrinking back and melting away at an exponential rate, and that’s why weather patterns are becoming more and more unstable, etc. If you were reading environmental documents from China or Japan, you’d get a much clearer image than one would get from USA. Some Americans even call ecologists “eco terrorists”. Lol. That’s SO American-stupid.

Gobbo was saying that forms of energy which are even easier to produce than Oil – will be monopolized and sold for even higher prices than Oil, if monopolizers get their way.

You see: Anarcho capitalism is predation. It is the inequalizing which produces a stark food-chain piramid-scheme. According to this paradigm, the most powerful will crush and consume the weak, through the strong-arm of money, and not through direct military force, usually.


The terms you’re looking for are “Biogenic theory” and “Abiogenic theory”, but it doesn’t really matter because they are BOTH very slow processes.

And again, the Texas oil industry knows all about peak oil . . .

Why haven’t all those dried up and capped oil wells in Texas re-filled themselves…?

The oil, the oil. Not…making…sense. Global Warming…deceeeiit. WWIII is nigh. I can feel it in my bones. Quick, hand me that ak 47! I spot me a liberal.

C: “Geet off muh property yew no good sonofabiatch!!”

L: “But I wanted to give you this brochure about saving the baby polar bears…”

C: “WWIII comin’ foo now go home 'n lock ya dos”


Tell your BF to wake up.

The final oiling doesn’t even need to be a war. It could be as simple as 20 sheets of paper. Economic conquest in a globalized “free market” can sieze and capture without a single gun.

YEEE HAW, Im gunnu shot me a democrat.
In Gods [mistranslated, unused Jewish] name, I pray, conservative red-necked salvation for mah own apple pie.

Damnit, are you French?
I hope not.
It’s Frances fault, really…
And BinLaden.

:laughing: :laughing:

:astonished: [size=75][monoscapegoatism][/size]

If there is not in the cycle of wake and sleeping,
One state cannot be switched on, if it was not already a phase in the first place.

The sun rise and fall without mans command.
And thus does the nature of wisdom rise and fall without command or concent.

I’ve made you nervous . . . . . . excellent.

[size=84]( frantic humour is always a giveaway )[/size]

That is a possibility.

India could be the winners here Air-Car Update . . . They won’t need to import oil anymore AND their car industry will take over the world.

Two words: Oil shale.