Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

Good to hear it.

I hope you have a decent at least window AC. These Canadian heat waves are no joke. In the plains it must be another level of sun.

My nice leather couch half-melted from me lying on it in the heat. It’s kind of ruined now. I might try rubbing it with olive oil when the summer winds down to see if that does something.

I’ll explain it.

You are actually a racist. That basically means that people that look a certain way or manage certain things intimidate you, so you need some kind of narrative that makes you somehow superior. You can already see how this fits rather nicely with the general communist ethos.

BUT, because you are a cockroach, and because of course the theory doesn’t spring from a place of pride but of inferiority, you hide it as much as you can. And, obviously, no better place to hide than the opposite of what you are.

The only reason MagsJ said it aloud is that she feels the need to distinguish herself from US black people, as if the story of her Caribbean ancestors were much different.

But as soon as someone gives you a ‘safe space,’ your real thoughts come out.

By the way you dumb fucks, nobody was ‘bred’ for anything. A pretty violent war stemming from the Buntu expansion in Africa produced a shitload of prisoners of war, who were sold as slaves, first to the Arabs, and then only hundreds of years later to Spanish and Portuguese. Once in America, the threats on their lives and requirements for their survival where not so different from a Rocky Mountain hillbilly, or an Alabama redneck. You poor fucks don’t understand the first thing about genetics.

The nazi girl I used to frequent, who I spoke about recently with Milikowski and who I might frequent again, once said something similar about the Jewish people. That they are not evil, just genetically inferior, and can kinda fuck up a civilized society. That they should probably be helped and put somewhere safe. That Germans were once giants, and Jewish blood brought them to this pathetic human size. She also rages mightily against ‘racism.’ She had to be sitting literally on me, with all sorts of caresses, to even feel safe enough to disclose those thoughts to me.

Do you think that, once captured, that never happened… intentionally or otherwise?

My statement wasn’t about colour or race, but about a specific circumstance in certain conditions, and no… African-Americans did not have equality-of-opportunity in fostering their survival instincts (like that of their new American peers), as subjugation would have been a mental hinderance/barrier in them fostering that same security.

I think living in Europe has fucked up your brain noodles.

Straw manning me? ok…

Mags, can you drop this fascist shit and tell me what you think of the pictures?

They’re marvellous, darling… very professional-looking.

what did i ever say about anyone being bred for anything?

Shut the fuck up.

What is meant by the phrase break the bag of rocks?

BTW I do not regard freedom as more important than fairness; or vice versa. These concepts are far too vauge and wooly to make such a statement.
Consider a patent on vaccines, where the owner of the patent decides to charge $100 a jab, whilst demanding the freedom to ask what he wants for his product, and insisting the intellectual property rights on the vaccine.
In this example freedo and fairness cut both ways.

you know i can’t do that

It looks like Pedro has painted himself into his CORNER.

Random collection of thoughts.

The bible and the consitution are not in agreement.
ANd the US people in power are not in agreement with either, except that they cherry pick the bits that preserve that power and keep an underclass to carry blame.
So civil rights people can use what the fuck they want.

Buckley was a cunt. A trumped up gutter-snipe pretending to be American royalty. Fucking sucking up, counter jumping climber, who pissed on people he saw as below him as he climbed the greasey poll, to suck the cocks of whom he saw as his betters.
His sparring partner Vidal was far more authentic.


That would depend on what she looks like and how smart she is, not in the fact that she is tone deaf.

I’m sorry.

You better fuckin be pal because… wait why are you apologizing to him?