Pedro's Corner (Part 1)


Oh, damn. I thought it was some Halloween related thing.

I gotta tell ya though, I was right before. So far. With money in your pocket, mercury is more of a fun ride. “WooOOoow.”


I’m actually managing to juice it.

Oh fuck.

Yeah, OK, literal tonnes of history behind that. And of stuff. Butum.

Well jeez, it’s true enough.

Fantastic meme.

Yea, if ol Merc won’t introduce you to astrology, nothing will.

Poor fucks.

Hello Pedro? Did you get that printer working?

What’s on your mind? What have you been up to lately?

Doing anything you feel is important? Any family left? Any hobbies?

Any experiments you’ve been working on? Any challenges in your job? I’m curious. I’ve been reading along but haven’t found a lot of answers to those sorts of questions.

Sorry to distract, but it seems like you’d appreciate the distraction? What’s got you so obsessed?

IT’s got to be something going on. Maybe a fresh perspective? Someone new to argue with who doesn’t think they know you that well, to talk to. Maybe I could learn something too. I’d say that would be the most likely outcome, yes. I could offer some artistic perspective, not from a done sort of approach but from a learned sort of approach. It was a long time ago but I am sort of surprised how much still pops in. There are a lot of associations there. I’d hope to make it worth your while.

Art is a mirror to politics, perhaps even a predecessor. The object as artifact can get in the way. You initiate and I’ll be the viewer that completes.

The printer was never malfunctioning, it was a metaphor for all the little things IT can’t seem to be able to fix.

To be 100% honest, re-reading your poem with my interpretation was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in a while. That’s really not far from how IT sees themselves.

For the benefit of our readers:

To be honest it wasn’t my poem. Meno originally wrote it. I slightly altered the wording.

And yes, your addition did add a measure of levity. Roger that.

Lol, it was fn hillarious

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But I only win because i don’t see them as such.

I win by seeing genealogies.

Everybody wants to be a discrete coherence. By taking that away from them, I gain the advantage. On good days, I estimate I play at 2100 level.

Even, as you know, my game being just one single convoluted structure. But it is not a testament to structure, it is a testament to building. I am proud of the thing I built. That takes something. I read something in the game. I will tire of it some day. But as of now, I feel a little bit like the man in Gay Science who has a thought.

I am also relatively convinced, not having seen more than 1 in 1000 examples of people using, not the same, but a similar structure, that it is in fact original.

Then, of course, you have Magnus. I watched one of his tournaments on lichess recently, and we were all flaberggasted at the absolute disdain for opening he displayd while demolishing top-10 world champions.

Hey, it is an honor to be insulted by such a man. Have you ever watched one? It is a privilege, no other word. Like watching Trump.

He does prove your self-valuing point though. There can be no genealogy in the chaos he creates. But then, from the chaos, suddenly a maddening self-valuing exists, on-coming like a freight-train, often from ridiculous cliffs. Omg.

I’m not saying I’m more right. If I look, I have probably been more astonished by self-valuings than genealogies. That is greatness displaying itself.

But who is the greedier, Jupiter or Saturn?

Another way to ask that: who takes more beatings?

But then… Can there be a more discrete self-valuing than Mike Tyson?

And yet, he became that by performing one of the most detailed genealogical studies of boxing ever undertaken.

People love to hate on Magnus, because he’s so messy, but onlike the old guard he always plays to win. When he is facing a worthy oponnent who is playing for a draw or in general not necessarily to win, you can smell the frustration. those are the ones he is likeliest to lose.