Pedro's Corner

And sometimes you have to get back to the oldies:


It was a sad day when I realized that if you listen to any other The Doors material (other than the album, didn’t realized this was just the one song. Fucking Spanish Caravan is fucking incredible), he’s just a fucking dirty hippie chasing dirty fucking hippies like my ex-girlfriend.

Shower you bitches!

He got his final vision by clap. Columbus’s groin got filled with green death.

I touched her thigh and death smiled.

That’s deep man.

That’s Morrison’s poetry bro.

Break on through, man.

here’s what the maestro thought about the whole stinking lot of them.


Question: is Greece the first international country?

Nah that was Babylon.



I don’t… nieehhhh…

It was… Intercommunal, ok that’s for sure. Interempirical, aha, that’s fine. But um…

Ah, fuck maybe.

/see I don’t…

One could say Egipt was international in the same way as Babalon, no?

But one could say that neither was in the same way as Greece, right?

I mean… It was always just us with those guys, no matter how contact and interaction. seem-as-a-to this guy.

Like, inwardly international.


Goddamnit. Turkey.

Is God all-powerful? But then God is also, necessarily, capricious. You do not know, cannot know, what is coming. Anything is possible. Because he is all-powerful.

Intrinsically, the world cannot be logically deduced. Anything you encounter might be anything.

Philosophy was made to penetrate these things you encounter. And to do it always with this in mind: it might be anything.

What is, is, and what is not, is not.

What kind of mind, but one that fiercely adheres to this principle, can have thought it important to have discovered that? Or have even asked the question?

'Tis philosophy.

Stay thirsty, my friends.

Nuh-uh because in fuzzy logic, something can be what it is and not what it is at the same time.

Watchu gonna do now, Aristotle? Yeah.


How do you even know that what is, is in the way that “is”, is?

What is, what comes at you, might be a wolf. Thats why the world is a pack of wolves. Thats why the world is a host of ravens. And why you cant beat it down with a mammoth army. But why an insect-plague is mammothly efficient.

What do you want? Isn’t there only one question?
Who dares to even answer this?
Those that do end up rich and, mostly of the time, misled, bored, lonely, and angry at the people that made them rich. Angry like that gut feeling a toddler might have at a new born baby looking at it with trusting eyes.

Who the fuck are you trusting right now, you dumb, baby.

Thats George, what George is thinking.
Think about that.

Pedro check this out, I found these recordings of the first English rap I ever wrote.

By the Head of Zeus

By the Son of Rem

If you gotta ask what is-ness is, you need to stop reading Heidegger immediately.

You need to stop reading at all man. Just stick to what you can touch.

Aw shucks. I didn’t mean it like that. that sounded nasty. read whatever you want.
you got my blessing
Just… pisssess me off when people don’t discern when Im joking.

Age old problem.