Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

Life is full of beautiful things. It really is.

Just take it with some parsimony and a grain of salt, and you will be richer than Warren Buffet.

my friend did this in 99 days from seed on his 1st try. its so much easier than most people think. you can grow anything if you know what it wants the room its in to feel like and then just make the room that way.

this is what it looked like driving from aspen to the independence pass overlook yesterday


Y’all got some beautiful country up there.

from mt harvard yesterday. hell of a walk to get there.


Jesus Christ.

best to take a can of oxygen on that hike. it gets over 14k feet. was on that fucker all day long. left as the sun was coming up, got back just as it was setting. madness i tell you.

Can of oxygen… you pussy.

today this happened on the way to leadville. it’s the higest city in america. i was trying to go get these bad ass hoodies that are sewn on site by these people who make enough money to live by sewing bad ass sweaters in some hippy sweater shop. it’s crazy man you gotta make an appointment and you can only have 1 appointment a year and then you can only buy 2 things. nuts. good sweaters though. worth the drive through the snow.


hiking up a steep ass grade on a timeline because of the amount of daylight you have when its like 20 degrees up there at 14k feet i mean i dunno man you don’t necessarily need the oxygen but you might and its nice to have.


I would kill to live up in the mountains somewhere. Different mentality.

Specially that high up.

i got a hoodie, a sweater and 2 hats. the hats dont count toward your 2 item per season limit. now im making another email address and booking another appointment with my google voice number and gonna go back november 3rd and get the high loft hoodie because that’s when they come out. they’re making 900 of them and expect to sell out in 2 days. gonna have to use a fake name and shit to get around their rules.

its a shit load cheaper than in the city. but i dunno how people make money out there. and it gets real fucking cold in the winter that high. like well into the negative temps.

but you’re right. it’s a whole different vibe up there. definitely the place to be. ive been in denver since february and dont give a shit about the city at all. it has no culture. its just bland. but the mountains…a completely different story.

I mean they’re ok. I don’t know that I would expend all that effort to get one. But maybe they have that sentimental value.

Maybe just a good excuse to get up there I guess. Don’t need much of one.

I swear to God just the lower amount of oxygen. It forces a tempo.

if you know about all those outdoor clothing fabrics, they use the same as better known companies, and they charge a lot less. and there are only a dozen or so people who stitch them, so they’re really well made and durable. so you save money and get really good shit. its also an excuse to go to leadville which is a 2.5 hour drive through the mtns and is the highest city in america like 10k feet.

yeah until it forces you to stop. i can hang out at altitude for days up there just doing normal shit. but you plan on exerting yourself heavily for hours on end and it’ll get to you. it’ll make you stop and take a break.

That’s the thing, you can’t just do whatever. It is a contemplative life that is forced on you by momma nature herself.

Strange question for you: do they have goats up there?

goats, marmot, elk and wolves now since they reintroduced them to the western slope. here are some goats coming down from mt evans.
