Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

Fuck man you make it seem so easy and then you pull away and there is only such flimsy suggestion of will left - you must exhaust yourself, and be glad youve found in me another person to exhaust.
Still, you are right about just bout everything.

Except, need to mention before you get all cocky, most things Europe - but really few people have ever dared to speak out about her as a whole. Not much is said when someone does.

Here’s what we know about Europe. In terms of geopolitics, which is the only relevant terms.

They had three options, one of which was more of an open question they never bothered to actually pose: work with the gringos. Figure it out, fully embrace the alliance. Make eachother powerhouses, complementary ones.

This is the question they never bothered really aksin.

Stand proud and defiant against the US. De Gaulle. They decided against this one.

Stand timidly and in all sorts of cowardly matters against the US. Jean Monnet and Egon Bahr.

They went with this one. Straight line there to Junker and the EU.

Buncha fucking snobs. Humility, Nietzschean humility, is the lesson Europe never learned.

You may want to bring it down to essence of the peoples or whatever, but you yourself have in this very conversation taken up the European position. Because none of us can deny a basic identification with the actual ruling powers of our nations. I am, in some way I cannot help, also Chavista. Own it dog. Better to talk shit than to play victim.

No, I’m not an artist. Because I don’t have the means to be on my own terms. Working with you, mind blowing and awesome as it was, always felt like a prison. Because I cannot have my own terms. A studio, to find a voice, to find a world crushing tone to go along with your world crushing lyrics, and me myself try my own, but I don’t even need that really, it would only be to keep you company (Toranaga shit, you know? That dude who lost his vocal chords that worked with Dre), would be what I can think of in terms of joint world conquest. You would have to, yes, pull all the actual artistic weight. The weight I would pull would be a business side of things that you shall proceed much to my disintrest to shit on in 3… 2… 1… I can be a muse, no problem. I could pull that weight as well. Like I said, the weight of giving the permission that a true studio, a true open space, would provide. The task would be, in a sense, to create an audience out of a need and a pleasure for it. If you don’t want that, or see the need in that, I shall remain loyaly (and critically, haha, whatcanIsayI’masnob) your fan.

And, in so far as we are an enterprise for world conquest, I consider all other geopolitical positions irrelevant. I find it annoying to have to say this.

Because ours is a position born out of overcoming, not ridiculous opposition.

No that I have writ it, is it still even possible? Hey, ho, it’s all just a game of dice.

It’d be half the fun at best without your type of organization.
Whatever happens I intend to pull you into the fold at one point by capital means if you don’t provide that fold yourself, but the best thing is if you do provide that fold, as that is just the case in terms of the type of joys this stuff gives me.

My eleventh house sun is rather proud of its true friends, as they are unlike any humans that have hitherto walked the earf.

Well it might be three quarters of the fun. But I quite prefer the full picture.

I’m a producer in the Hollywood sense. So that makes sense.

Harvey Weinstein wouldn’t know a Final Cut Pro from a whore’s asshole hair.

But I intend for you to be a little more of a businessman than Tarantino, and perhaps myself a bit more of an artist than W.

Joi, man, joi. What you probably mean when you say love (disgusting whore of a word).

Writing capacity counts for a lot.

You can’t escape that.

In general. Not just rap but the ability to formulate truth.

Well that doesnt need to be in writing. True.

faust says it’s about the stories we tell ourselves, or live by. Or create. I don’t know. The stories.

I’m amazed at how people are able to stay with theirs, keep them going. Prometheus with his story. fC. How they maintin the continuity.

Stories. I have lived far too many. Seen too many. How can you live a life by a story?

I always thought it was trauma. This gift, we all have, as children. The gift of the world. Beaten out of us by adults. Of them, I. I don’t have a story. They say that is a great disability, that that is what makes an addict, a lack of personality, of grounding, of identity. The disease is the lack of identity… Of a story. That’s what they say.

So here be I, living amongst the traumatized. What am I supposed to feel? Guilt? Horror? Desperation? Cruelty? can I even talk to them? To you? The wise old master that tells you what is behind and above that makes it all make sense? Is that it?

Is there no hope? No story to tell to release from stories? As a grown body, pain isn’t such a transccendental thing, it’s not so onlookuponable. As a child, though, as a child it… It gives you no choice but to story. I live stories, sure. How can one live but? The difference of course is that I do not take them very seriously, do not take them as truth. Some stories are very commited. The story of Christianity, the story against psychopaths. These stories capable of making men sacrifice their lives. And women, trapped in this world of stories. They believe it less than I do. But they… Well, they are more helpless to do anything about it. Thus they become even more commited, neh? Shakespeare. They know stories, however untrue, are more powerful than men. In their lives. In life. They cannot be fooled into believving a release from them, they understand economy of power all too well.

Women. That’s what it’s all for. If you like, what God gave us the world for. Gave us life for. There is no God, please accept the figure of speech.

What to do, then? What to do? There is no hope in hell for one who does not believe stories against those that live by them. no hope to manipulate stories, to use them for the freedom of mankind. Of childkind. one day, man will have given birth to its last dancing star.

But, as Robert Frost said on his death bed, “if there is one thing I have learned, it is this: that life goes on.”

Have a good Saturday, everybody.

Masks for the maskless, Mass for the heracles, bass for the masses, caskets for gangsters, Blood on my hanckers, Scarf on my raptors, Feel like a captor, steal like a practor, Ain’t no life worth living, But the life of a castor.

Just remember. It wasn’t I that did this to you.

“Troy never wronged; I came not to avenge
Harm done to me; no Trojan ever drove
My pastures, steeds or oxen took of mine,
Or plunder’d of their fruits the golden fields
Of Phthia the deep-soil’d. She lies remote,
And obstacles are numerous interposed,
Vale-darkening mountains, and the dashing sea.
No, Shameless Wolf! For thy good pleasure’s sake
We came”

I could almost bear it all if the men didn’t wear tight pants.

Sean Penn is a good film maker. Or, was a good film maker.

What happened? What happens to a man?

I am convinced it is the absolute uncompromising pressure of what Hollywood is, what it means to go from an artist, usually probably a very starving artist, to a millionaire in california culture. There’s just… Anthropoligically speaking, the dynamics of that life… Have you ever seen the video where Heath Ledger talks about doing coke? And you gotta think Ledger was on the rascal side of Hollywood to the extent that it has one. It’s just too weird, Hollywood. Yoga and K-hole parties. Press conferences and meetings about causes. $100,000 jacuzzis. Wives, sorta.

One thinks it used to be the big movie execs that kept some semblance of order in their lives. Some distance from the real world. Now they just run amok. For Rap it was good. That brief period between rap rising from the underground and Napster killing the record industry was a horrible fucking gray shitty pool punctuated by Eminem.

But for the movies, I mean… Yo, where are the directors and screenwriters that read 19th century novels? You know what I mean?

What happens? Sean Penn’s movies showed a real sensitivity towards the USA, towards life, people. The experience of living. How did he slowly become a Soviet spokesperson? Or whatever? When did he lose his soul? What bag of cocaine in what Jacuzzi?

Incidentally, don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame it on the coke. The video with Ledger is stark precicely because of the way he stopped doing coke, and also just the ambiance it just… You get a short and terrifying glimpse into what Hollywood life is. I wouldn’t wish it on my worse enemy.

Mel Gibson makes incredible movies too. That bastard understands movies. Say what you want about the Passion of the Christ, but it is one hell of a well made movie. Not to mention, not even to mention Apocalypto. What a goddamn accomplishment of Cinema. Truly, that one goes in the books with the black and white fellas.

He, well, he at least is the kind of whacko that doesn’t isn’t really politically greedy. He isn’t out there conspiring, being an activist. It just comes out when girls treat him bad. He still and all does lie in Hollywood, gotta wonder what that weird pressure is like. But he does know composition like few others.

There is only one human being who makes a healthy life out of Hollywood. That man is Larry David.

I would like to see him deal with Trump, in an episode or a movie or a stand up. He’s probably the only guy I would laugh at and not be angry at. Too healthy, that dude.


Fuck me. I went to look for a scene from my favourite Gibson movie and it turns out the whole thing is on youtube.


Even the Coen Brothers are slipping.

Link that video?

Dude isn’t that obvious? Anyone using their superior market value to preach Equality goes down. Its their way of begging to be levelled, perhaps. They’re naive strong beings rising to the top and falling on account of their underdeveloped philosophic faculties. What is left for them is the big question. Thats what they’ve arrived at. Why Being, and not rather non-being? Evidently not just to get rich and famous by doing some cool stuff. There is more to it. Or less.

Narrative; That bleakly endless valley, oppressing because all the elements are there.

Im sure you’ll sniff out a good spot to plant your pickaxe when time breathes. Nature finds a way. Grass that cuts through the concrete is the same as the guy hacking his way through the jungle.

How’s that? I just downloaded the Ballad of Buster Scruggs, waiting for a less nihilistic mood to watch it. I did was slightly disappointed at the follow-through in True Grit. Wouldn’t the perfect ending have been if the girl became a stern, powerful matriarch? But I dismissed it as the movie was a remake. Still, that was a little unsettling.

Can’t find the Ledger video anymore. It has been unpersoned. He’s like yeah, I used to do coke and stuff, but not anymore, I barely smoke weed anymore. And then goes on to list like 10 different heroine grade pharmaceuticals he has been prescribed. Hollywood, neh? It’s for my nerves. In the video he seems to be doing it to impress some guy at a house party whose rolling a joint. But, you know? That cynical will to impress of the man who already conquered a peak and realized he wasn’t as cool as he was supposed to be. Heath. One of the best actors of all time, no question.

It’s hard for the Cohen bros to perjure themselves though, as Hail Cesar! was one of the most lucid revelations of the history of US politics ever made. Truly beautiful. And the more time passes, the more I am tempted to declare A Serious Man as the best movie ever.

But do tell us what thou thinkest. Tarantino apologized for making Uma drive a fast car through a Mexican dirt road. World is strange these days.

Also Fargo, which I avoided for a long time for thinking it too cynical of a cannibalization of a true classic, is actually mind blowingly good. Like really really fucking good. Like, manages to make up for the crime.

That good.