Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

Fuck the Venezuelan people if they actually go broke and starve, the party line is the party line and Exxon are the bad guys.

You fucking idiot.

wasn’t there a judgement entered in an american court on behalf of xom that basically fucked venezuela?

remember that time trump made rex tillerson the secretary of state, and then tillerson quit and called trump an idiot?

he was the 69th secretary of state. 69 lol

man you can do whole threads on twitter

Alright there big guy.

You know what people around the world think when they see a picture of that?

They think “some white kid wanted to make a statement to their daddy.”

You are the fascists you stupid cuck.

Do you know what fascism means? The word? Or would that be capitalist fancy book learning?

Do you know anything about its history? What its creators like Mussolini wrote about it? Do you know where it comes from? Its rationale?

Do you just spout what the last person you heard talking said?

Jesus Christ I’m asking these questions of the person who wrote this.

Sorry guy.

You’ve never experienced police repression, guy. You’re a little bitch. Some punks vandalized a statue. The police wasn’t even there harassing them while they did it. You’ve never been chased down with tear gas and rubber bullets, you’ve never sat in a room getting tapped with a baton by a guy who knows he can leave you there bleeding out with all your bones broken and he would get a promotion. You don’t have friends who were shot at by the police because they were protesting against arbitrary arrests or a coup, you haven’t seen them show an elected congressman on TV in his underwear which he shat because they had been torturing him, laughing at him while they made him twirl about. You punk. You sold kilos of drugs and the police knew you did it and had you dead to rights, and they just sat back while a judge freely decided your lawyers were correct. You haven’t been held for years on end waiting to be tried because some cop decided you might or might not be who they wanted for some drug deal you didn’t have enough money to bribe your way out of.


You are a pole riding little madame.

All cops are bastards? What the fuck do you know about it, you queer? Oh lol they made you lay down on the curb once, searched your pockets, and gave you all your shit back and said some stern words to you? Oh my god no way? You fucking faggot.

i’ve been held at gunpoint by police more than my share of times, and i’ve been locked up and questioned more than a handful of times, indicted twice, charged 7 or 8 times. i dunno man i feel like i have some experience with the police. i think you have a very odd view of policing in america. they do some really bad shit. … 5#p2855048

It only gets more specific from there.

i’m gonna go see some friends in tulum in november then spend a few days down in honduras and belize, will the world crash before then? i kinda really want to make sure i get to take my trip.

Not for you sweet cakes, you go on and do your thing.

Ask your man though, because the S&P lost a quarter of its value so far this year, and he might want to postpone it.

Why do you all suppose Google has stopped indexing this site?

…because Philosophy is dead. :-s

Maybe for the opposite reason, too.

…in it being too alive, well, and kicking.

So I clicked the ‘Learn why’ link…