Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

I live in the weeds
I’m a leek
I’m a river reed
I feed on the silky mead
Singing philosophically
Sometimes I think I’m Sophocles
But otherwise a law degree
Will not get you anywhere that’s even near to me
I got the golden fleece
I got the flow on freeze
I got the city’s keys
I make a mearcat see
Sniff my tobacco, sneeze
Bring back the flaco, LSD
I will never be
Anything but all me
Let me run my fingers down the crease
Of your blouse, please

i’m pretty sure i am a philosophical postulation. also i saw van halen once back in the day great show

You liked that shit, huh?

I can’t really say I’ve ever been able to get through a whole Van Halen song. But Eddy Van Halen turns out to be a pretty radical guy.

the real question about van halen is…

david lee roth or sammy hagar?

I have nothing against the Van Halen.

when they switched singers it caused a big divide among the fan base, with fan of the original singer, (david lee roth) hencefourth referring to the group as “van hagar”.

Which one is Eddy Van Halen?

the guitarist.

original singer david lee roth was when van halen was coked up and partying in the 80s


then they all got married and had kids and then sammy hagar became the new singer and david lee roth was fired and they basically turned into elevator music


david lee roth could not be tamed. this is from his solo career and maybe one of the greatest recordings of all time


Oh yeah that’s a pretty good tune. I didn’t know that was them.

It may have been David Lee Roth I heard say that.

eddie van halen is a legendary guitarist and his contribution can never be discounted, but david lee roth was one of the great frontmen of that whole genre/era


this is eddie van halen at what is quite possibly his finest


Dude, holy shit. … 1#p2880241


That’s the S&P.

where do you think it’ll be in 15 years?

Right, I’m sure that’s exactly what you said in 2008.

Aren’t you embarrassed? To fail to recognize the magnificence of this intellect?

Ask your bitch ass banker friend if he saw this massive movement in the market coming.