Pen-Powered Insanity

I’m afraid you’ve mistaken this as a communal thread and similarly afraid that you’ve mistaken my kindness and patience for some kind of silent acquiescence.


Don’t be afraid.

I was kinda puzzled about what you were afraid of until I figured it out.
I think youve mistaken this forum for a blog-space provider.

Anyway Ill help you fix that.


What is a troll

literally, what is it,

Its like eating someone else’s candy bar and smiling to an audience.

I guess if I am a troll here.

Im just insulted that you don’t just say hey thats shitty crap music, go away, but use it to turn into some arrogant patriarch.

What about the idea that existence is altogether slightly less than 0?

thats why it tries to reach constantly, to become neutral. a less than zero sum state.

yeah, it kind of provided a blog space in the form of creative writing.


well I guess who am I to trample your garden.
ill say goodbye with the saying from Yogananda the great mystic.

“Vanished the veils of light and shade,
Lifted every vapor of sorrow,
Sailed away all dawns of fleeting joy,
Gone the dim sensory mirage.
Love, hate, health, disease, life, death,
Perished these false shadows on the screen of duality.
Waves of laughter, scyllas of sarcasm, melancholic whirlpools,
Melting in the vast sea of bliss.
The storm of maya stilled
By magic wand of intuition deep.
The universe, forgotten dream, subconsciously lurks,
Ready to invade my newly wakened memory divine.
I live without the cosmic shadow,
But it is not, bereft of me;”


Things have lied to me about when my death was going to be a few times. I’d say it’s annoying, but it’s more a sign of them being emotionally compromised to the point of not being able to see the truth clearly; coupled with event horizons that they could not see beyond because of interactions that were necessary for me to continue living. Death can not be cheated; no man or woman or child can escape their fate. But, there is a certain amount of respectable combat and fighting involved in life and living. I’ve recently proven that soul mates exist. After a few false values in recent years, I ran into the true thing and it was literally beyond a shadow of a doubt at that point. It burns me that, like me calling ahead of time when my death would be, which turned out to be me calling liars out when the moment passed and my own doubt was eased in the passings; that even talking about a soul mate and proof of it at this juncture of my life can so easily be poked at with doubts and dissensions.

In the course of making theories and putting them to the scientific test to find results, I’ve since faced a multitude of fears, insecurities and inadequacies, have seen some of the worst twisted insanity and depravity; but have unerringly proven that afterlife exists, that god exists, that the supernatural and paranormal exists, that time travel, alternate realities, layers of reality exist. That the universal mind with all its complex convolutions and confusions exists; even sans illusion. I have met my own future afterlife self and have proven that beyond base animal emotional instincts and cause and effect and the emotional damage done in the exchanging of experiences that I we were not pressed to kill each other or wish undue harm on each other. In fact, we get along pretty well. I have met my own insanity head on, multiple personality disorder at its finest, from accidental to purposeful, coinciding with my future self. Not to mention my alternate selves, which might also be my future self.

And all of this I have done as rationally and reasonably as possible, even finding and proving the relatable irrationalities between sane and healthy men and women, disproving a common stereotype of both women and men and exposing it as unhealthy, twisted and childish. The idea that woman matures faster than man is only true in some cases and often only in women who die younger than the man. In cases where the man dies younger, it becomes truer for the man to be more mature. The coincides with our fates/destinies and our free wills and proves them all the same in the same breath. I have done this on drugs and off, all to strengthen and sharpen my mind. I am doing this slightly to boast and slightly to etch another publication into outward reality to cement and secure my legacy. Also, slightly to tickle the curiosities and interests of others; and can I point out that all of this becomes advanced morality, as I point it out in statement, not question format and who cares if I got the English language wrong at that point. <That just made it right.


Missing You…
For people you’ve met in your life but will never meet again… and somehow shared a special moment, a special feeling, for a special someone…

Listening to old songs makes you feel young. Listening to new songs makes you feel old.

I worship the gods but sometimes they leave me faith departed. I worshiped God and I suffered.

The cogs of fate are turning… all relying on my thoughts…

The devil knows your great that’s why they want you because you always show your greatness. They’re as great you but they don’t show it.

:mrgreen: :evilfun: :sunglasses:

German English is nonsensical fluency. It is talking nonsense beautifully. Talking is an art however writing is much more artful. Revision is necessarily intended to be done eloquently. It is something much more deeper, much more profound than contemporary literature. It is the presence of chaos amidst order and harmony.