People place a great importance on knowledge. It is knowledge and the systematic thought and use of knowledge that defines a person’s logic and/or intelligence. Since man became man, we have used knowledge to make tools, have stimulating debates, make pies, etc. In this forum, we use the knowledge of past philosophers i.e. Nietzsche to back up our own thoughts on a matter, or we use our own knowledge to argue against his theories to give us a knowledge or understanding of the contrary.
Francis Bacon placed a great importance on knowledge evident in his quote “knowledge is power”. We all have an idea of what knowledge is, but where does it come from? Some would say it comes from seeing, reading a book, deep thought, or a thorough and/or complete understanding of any given thing.
And while I feel these are all correct statements, there is still something much more simpler that the aforementioned processes stem from. Imagine you are walking and there is a solid brick wall in front of you. There is no way you can see behind it, thus you have no knowledge of the leprechaun behind it.
My point is this: what if you possessed a way to see through or around the wall? Then you would have knowledge of the leprechaun. Seeing is just a form of your perception. Perception in this case meaning something like an internal eye that uses thought, the five senses, and memory to perceive how any given thing was/is/will be.
Perception in everyone is equal, it is the same. What is not equal are the biases to that perception a person possesses. Biases being any given thing that interferes with perception. For example, the bias in the previous perception would be the brick wall. A person’s mental psyche and understanding are defined by their biases. Biases such as mental handicaps (retardation, paranoia) feelings (love, hate) past experiences (As a kid, a dog attacked you, so you fear dogs as an adult) preference (you see two shirts but one is your favorite color. You perceive that shirt as better) etc. Those are just examples, it would be impossible to list all the biases even I myself possess.
What if all of our perceptions were neutral, that is to say without a single bias? Wouldn’t we all view the world and everything in it the exact same? And could that be the ultimate truth that we all try to find with our knowledge and understanding? The truth does not come from reading books, arguing on forums, and waxing philosophically…It comes by perceiveing the world with no bias. The clearer the perception, the greater the power to see the truth. Perception is power.