Hello people
i have just joined this site as i have formulated from logical thought and a lot of searching a theory which i believe will answer(i hope) a lot of questions that religion doesnt.
i am not an educated man in the strict sense of the word, i have no academic qualifications, no college time or university attendance, i also have no religious leanings what so ever, so why we are here and what we are doing has always puzzled me, i have never read the bible From cover to cover, nor any other religious text, i tend to shy away from anything that requires you to admit that you need saving or anything that uses control devices to manipulate opinion, so for many years i searched in my own mind for an answer, what the hell is this for, if we cant take our acheivements with us(house car money and family) then why do we strive so hard to attain these things, makes no sense, then a few nights ago, it dawned on me, what if we arent meant to be counting our achievements as achievements but as tools, what if the house and the car are just tools to allow us to attain and store memory’s, emotions and feelings, which when we die its those thing that we take with us, i also came across the realisation that when we die i do not believe that we go to heaven or hell(these being the control devices i mentioned earlier) i believe that we become part of the universe, as have all those who have died before us, without of course the physical restraints that we are placed in here on this planet, death i believe releases what we are, a being of pure energy, into the universe, we are then able to experience what those who went before us experienced, memorys feelings, emotions etc as if we were actually that person, and it doesnt stop there, family pets, figures from history every life force that ever existed on this planet is now part of you and vice versa, also i believe that time and distance are non existant, so experiencing other races all become possible.
however there is something else, when we die all the things that we have done in our life time that have caused another being pain or anguish are experienced at one time, so for instance Hitler would have know what 6 million deaths feels like all at one time, not to mention all those that died in pursuit of his quest, which means that anything you do is waiting for you when your time arrives, its certainly made me think about how i will treat other people animals and insects, thats right the fly whos wings some of us pulled of as a child is waiting to let us know how that would feel, kinda puts our behaviour in check a little wouldnt you say, i am not saying that this is the meaning of life, it just seems a little more logical than the old faith system, no god no jesus christ no lies or smoke and mirrors, no penance, just be and then become, but with consequences for how you are.
As i said i have sterred away from religion purposely so if this theory is the same as any other religion then i would appreciate it if you could let me know.
The point of living is to live with all other vices being non-essential trivialities.