Perpetual motion machine

Would anyone know if this is a fake or not? If this is real, why is it placed on a video site to be accidently viewed?


I edited this to a YouTube link for ease of viewing.

motion machine, yes, perpetual motion machine, no.

you can make things with magnets that will keep moving for eons, but when the magnets die so does the machine…

Yes I’m aware of the physics involved through deterioration (friction, gravity and loss of conductivity), but it would seem this device would have received more notoriety than just this web site.

It does make me wonder if it was placed in a vacuum using super magnets along with a frictionless spindle to rotate on if it could be used in a real world application.

it’s only worth the energy you put into it…

In this video taken in Japan, the devices shown are creating more energy than is being put into them. One if I remember right has over 400% increase over the source input. I could see real world application in this research.


I think you’re confusing increase in energy with effeciency.

From what i saw the output was always less than the input.

You may want to view that video again. I understood it as an increase over input. Otherwise, why would that video have been put there?

the video was very long and poorly narrated, i’ll view it again.

Sefice it to say that if it was legit, we would be building large versions as we speak… if it can generate free energy then all our problems are solved…

^^ Unless it’s a government conspiracy to keep us dependent on oil.

I didn’t watch all of it, but if the machine really is putting out more energy than it’s getting in, then it’s still not. It uses the power stored by the magnet. It takes energy to make something a magnet, and that energy is being released to help power the device, just like fuel in a car. It takes less energy to extract oil than we get from burning it.

It requires energy to develop the whole of the components of those devices as in anything else. But if they are built on a larger scale where they could pay for themselves plus produce energy above the initial cost with extended years of sevice, then I believe it’s worth the research it takes to make them.

I bet the magnets you could harvest would be put to better use in a normal application. Just my engineering two cents.

This kind of research could splinter off into something just as useful or maybe even better. It took Edison many tries before the lightbulb worked for him. Obsession tempered with tenacity could produce the next greatest discovery. Regarding Edison, after all these years after his first successful lightbulb, illumination hasn’t evolved much since. His thinking did get stuck for awhile in direct current. Tesla thought out of the box and developed a more practical form of electricity…alternating current.

It’s nothing new over a regular motor, it just looks like he’s using a permanent magnet as fuel. It can be no more efficient than any other motor. Ask Carnot.

If you know of an easily accessible, vast natural magnet deposit, you may have something.

Carnot’s a heat engine. How does it compare
I’ve just had a look through my Cengel book, which I assume is what Anthem also uses(d) and it specifically states one example in 1982 where a man claimed to use wires and magnets to generate more electricity than he was using in a battery pack. The US patent office has stopped taking perpetual motion machine patents since 1918 but tried this one. A battery was ultimately needed for the device.
There’s clearly something wrong or incomplete here. Otherwise, we’d have infinite electricity. Bar government conspiracies.

that’s incredible but it’s not a perpetual motion machine

it’s a home made product and it shows

it really needs some other form of power…

There is, apparently, only one perpetual motion machine, the atom, which, according to current theories, would appear to have roughly the life of the universe without any input. Hmmmmmmmmmm!!

Something had to charge the subatomic particles in that composite. Those forces didn’t just suddenly appear (or did they?). Does the atom exhibit the same half life properties as uranium?

I would say it is a close representation of such a device. The fact it takes something to start it’s movement wouldn’t necessarily remove it from that category. Plus it is utilizing the potential energy stored up in a magnetic device. In time the magnet’s power will deminish, but not before the bearings used to reduce drag do. The video I had placed a few posts down from that one is the one that could be the revolutionary device of the future. It generates more power than it takes to move it.

What is perpetually in motion? I hope you’re not thinking of the Bohr model of the atom.

I remember hearing from a physicist that there are just some things that we will never be able to do. This physicist said he thought we’d maybe be able to breach the speed of light in another 1,000 years, or million years, but that we will never create a perpetual motion machine. I too take this view. It is not physically possible. You cannot overcome or reverse the nature of entropy.

…Unless the solution to this seemingly unsolvable problem has to do with quantum physics. In which case I would have no idea what I was talking about.