perspective AKA attitude

When you’re in an argument, and you lose site of the argument and start to react to emotions. Well that is when you find that people will become remorseful after they used up their rage and saw how worthless it was at answering anything. Of course pride says that your emotions are more important than the other person’s emotions.

Remaining teachable. How is that different then the reflective personality of meditation? Becoming like a child? What does a child possess that leaders don’t. First must be last,… You must lose yourself to find yourself. This isn’t science. This is spiritual truth. Truth that can only exist because we have a soul. And the soul trumps the human existence. And the soul vs. the body is a duality.

Pride and arrogance. Pride and prejudice. Callousness,… and putting yourself above others. It’s a spiritual decay. Decay from neglect. Sure meditating on the TV puts life’s expectations out of reality. But meditating on the Bible allows us to hone in on the Holy Spirit behind the men who wrote what was stirring in their heart. I seriously suggest you start with the people who directly met Christ God.

I could take every woman at face value. But then I’d be a phony shallow hillbilly dressed up as Hollywood. I decide to have spirituality as my medium for interaction with people. School didn’t stimulate this side of me. Friends didn’t stimulate this side of me. God did. There is a side of us all that only God can stimulate.

why would i want to become like a child? then i would still believe in santa clause, the tooth fairy, and imaginary friends

but i suppose thats easier than facing real life; so i guess, if ignorance is your bliss, its great to become a child again. just not for me. i put too high a price on personal honesty and intellectual integrity.

but, i suppose, to each his own.

oh ya, sure,… you betcha

imaginary friends,… you know I never believed in them. But I guess that’s all you remember from your childhood. So that’s what it is to be, “like a child.” Proof positive, out of the mouth of babes.

But i suppose I could say this type of integrety is a faded one from a tattered soul.

every day we die a little more.

first we learn not to trust.

then we learn it’s easier to belittle others then to understand them.

then we just stop trying to get them to see things our way and lock them up in liberal prisons for christians.

sorry if I don’t tolerate your intollerance,… but that’s a liberal twist on love your neighbor, not mine.

thats very tolerant, very christian, of you. :unamused:

i understand you better than you understand yourself, because ive seen through the delusions that you think you believe in. ive been there, and passed through. because of this, i am able to understand where youre at, and see past it. you are not.

your signature says otherwise.

I’ve been accused of being as critical of others, as I am of myself. Yet, I didn’t understand that. I didn’t understand why it was invalid for me to be critical of others. So, I’ve come to understand it as I take things seriously which others take for granted. But I am sure, that it effects my communication. …Not understanding where others come from. In church I learned it was more important to keep the peace then to figure out who is right or wrong. I believe that. I also believe that people need to be able to see themselves through other people’s eyes. Human compassion is what allows me to love people when all I see of them is their sin side.

While passionate people are passionate about God,… but unless they address their other passions, they will find they are passionate about them in the right moments. You see, they aloud God to grow, except in their moments of shame which they passionately hide from. (The passion being shame, and the regret of shame.) So, they can fool themselves into hiding from their own issues by focusing on the new passion. I lost a lot of respect for cigarettes before I was at a place in life where I could use the opportunity to quit.

Then, I’m afraid the next level is someone who has lost the passion for life. It’s a burn out. They could be dread wearing musicians who have had a lot of false hope let them down until they are tame. Or they could be people who intellectualize the world until they found an angle where they can safely feel above the pain. Yet, the meaning of life is to live life. But, where the soul can flourish over the physically trained habits.

toleerance = liberal reduction of, “love thy neighbor as thyselves.” Yet love is an action. It seems the only action liberal take is laughing at anyone who doesn’t act like them. So why should I respect their ignorance? At least I am willing to give them the only medium they respect,… TRUTH beyond such ignorance. At least I am willing to think they have the ability to understand what I have to say. where is this in them??? Not one iota of respect.

It comes dirrectly from this agnostic scientific belief. They think they are the center of the universe. Meaning, everything they think or feel must be reality, and everything else is up to belittling questioning. Since when does the world teach an agnostic to be an antagonist? The world deffinatly does teach them not to be antagonists. In fact all these cynical comedians and cynical news castors teach thme to be assholes. The world has raised a bunch of intollerant assholes. They respect Steven Colbear having a senator comment on a snake talking to Eve,… then useing that to say all Christians are ignorant. like there is no such thing as ghosts and deamons all of a suddun. They respect congress underminding Bush’s every move. And they respect Sara Palins kid being used as bait for the hate that festors deep inside them all.

It’s a sick and sad world,… but don’t worry, Holywood will dress it up with a daisy chain. Then sell it in nice tight packages with complementry g-strings for kids (a democratic corperations invention).

Out of love I will tell you that you are wrong, and I expect more from you. I will not ignore those suffering with this disease.

Self-justification,… people think they are the center of the universe.

God set a standard for us to add up to.

Man uses science to reduce the world into something they can feel like they are above. They they try to justify their sin, and hate others for not adding up to their values,… instead of going outside their comfort zone to see where others are comming from. It’s easier to say, “I halfheartedly tried, it didn’t produce the results I wanted.” But make it sound like, “it’s a boldacious lie and needs to be treated like shit.”

but at least it’s easy to manipulate what they respect,… since it’s a reduction of reality.

by the way,… people who can’t handle a marriage have no right making laws on mariage. People that are biggots have no right judging other people’s charecter.

If your own charecter is lacking, then you need to be in a teachable mindset. Instead of telling me what is wrong,… why don’t you learn to reason with me.

Here’s how you do it… First you learn to tell the truth on the small things… then God can guide you on the big things.
First learn to understand people on small arguements,… then maybe you can tackle big things.
First learn to respect people of all cultures for what they know,… and then maybe you could take it for what it is.

IE… what is a American Indian medicine bag? Well, I associate it with incents and the energy a quartz crystal gives off. Hippies are attracted to quartz for the energy… But I think the medicine bag has a bit more validity. Does it add to life? Or is it a central purpose of life? …Not nearly significant as God though.

about time to move this thread on over to Rant…

ohhh poor baby labeled me… I guess I should just ignore him… After all it takes a village to raise an idiot.

I guess for everything you have to say about me,… it really reaveals who you are… As if the picture didn’t do you justice… But if that’s what your attracted to, who am I to question it. Obviously God made you to see yourself that way,… why else would it be?

The point is… You don’t question why you see yourself as that picture,… you just doubt everyone else. Do you give me the benifit of the doubt? No, you do the opposite. You create the world you live in. I’m just glad your not in control.

Ahhh ha…

It all makes sense now… What ever you focus on, you will come to understand…

All you whinny pessimists… All you people who think you have it all figured out, and the world revolves around your uneducated emotions… look outside yourself. Yes,… if you spent one second of your time doing stuff for others, then you’d get outside of that wreck of a game you play with yourself. For every second you spend making another person’s life better,… that’s one more second you wouldn’t spend feeling sorry for yourself. Poor you,… all those nasty Christians are out to get you. Make life suck for you. You know what,… all the time I was messing up,… I didn’t blame God or my parents. I didn’t see how they were supposed to have all the answers. Don’t get me wrong,… there are things my parents did that they learned from by the time the sixth kid grew up. But I still don’t blame them. And I still don’t love the unhappiness of my past life. But I love what I learned from it.

I spend all the time I can making other peoples lives better. Weather it be volunteering for housing construction. Or feeding starving people here and across seas. I think they deserve better. And I do what little I can to help instead of feeling sorry for them and myself.