Peter Kropotkin was wrong, again.

You, Peter Kroptkin, were wrong, again. Like everything else in your life, you were wrong when you said President Bush would declare himself leader for life. i would find the thread where you said this, and quote you directly, but to be honest i don’t care that much. i just figured i’d stop by, and remind you, you’re wrong.


[size=200]I was wrong.[/size]

Did that make you feel better.
At my age, one learns to be wrong often.
When I was young, I thought I knew everything, I was never wrong.

 Today I know better, the depths of my ignorance is a deep one and I am often

wrong, about a great many things. I know that. It is not being wrong
that makes me different from anyone else, because I have learned everyone
is wrong about a great many things, it is because
I am willing to learn from my being wrong. I am ok with making mistakes
because I learn from my mistakes. If I learned one thing from Nietzsche it is this,
treat life as an ongoing experiment, not as a fixed, static thing.
Will I stop making “predictions” such as nope,
because that is another way for me to learn. Everything is a learning experience.


Peter, I applaud you , that was good, very good… diplomatic, self assured, and very the upper road… =D> =D>

^^ I’d like to see the referenced thread before I make that judgement.

I am familiar with it but, for any person that capitulates , that was very good.

PK said it but I’m glad he was “wrong.” For the record my Dad is the “Anti-Kropotin.” At the end of Clinton’s term he assured me BC would declare martial law to keep his hold on power. Of course no President has ever done this, and it would be difficult for anyone to ever do it. It would take some incredible circumstances for it to ever happen. Yet the Partisans always predict it.

Interesting- the ‘Tin-Foil Hat’ brigade keeps spinning these yarns very 4 years…or honestly, every day. The Opposition party is alway ready to mobilize the military, seed the clouds, control the weather, control our minds, etc etc ad naseum. Beware of HARP and grab the Organite. Smoke an extra big bowl just to ward off the “vibes.”

I don’t blame PK- Bush is a war criminal, although up til now, an unindicted one. Whether or not he’s ever prosecuted is another matter. It’s a slippery slope for one President to indict an his predecessor; generally that would probably be expanded until it happened every time we change leaders.

Still, if Germany would have survived the war and the people had wrested power, would not Hitler have been held to account? Bush has killed less but his motives were just as dark. Perhaps we could keep Guantánamo Bay open as a residence for former president G.W. Bush?

You know it would be turned into a wonderful spa if that was done. White collar criminals and war criminals of high rank get treated with kid gloves in this country