I just joined these forums in hopes of finding some ground in life. I’d usually search for answers on my own, but this time I’m so lost I don’t even know where to look.
I’m just feeling utterly lost. How am I to live?! - probably the question that draws everyone to philosophy, huh…
For the time being, I’m acting completely on impulse. No rules, no logic. Just intuition. I don’t know otherwise.
I’ve been living in accordance with Pirsig’s Metaphysics of Quality since I read his stuff last fall. But now, the big Q is just not an adequate enough answer anymore, I’m beginning to doubt it. Looking over “Lila” again it all seems so confusing and illogical.
I’m young, 18, but very childish and curious, not like most people my age. Definately not like most older people. I’ll be considerate of any replies I get.
I’m not even completely sure what I’m asking for here. Has asnyone else felt like this before?, just competely lost all of a sudden, not knowing what’s right or wrong or what to do? I guess I just need to start all over with the basics and completely reestablish my thiking patterns. What are the basics to life?.. I guess that’s what I’m asking: what are the basics regarding simple decision-making?
Some definitions of things would also be helpful. I’ve been thinking over and over about what the heck is “language.” The best I could come up with so far is “a format of meaning.” And I’m used to defining “meaning” in terms of Pirsig’s Quality - the meaning of anything is made up of the sum of all your Quality-judgements regarding it. But I’m not at all sure of any of this right now, and am anxious to seriously consider other definitions.
Some other definitions I’m used to but am in great doubt of: “Love” is the urge to pursue harmony. I don’t have any formal definition for “harmony.” I know it’s somehow related to Quality, and has something to do with agreement. But that’s unacceptably vague. “Selfishness” is people’s prefference of personal convenience over harmony, and “care” is anything done for the sake of establishing or maintaining this harmony. But again, without a formal definition of “harmony,” all these definitions are logically useless.
Please help if you have any idea of what my problem is.