Prepare to read something really goofy. And stupid.
Context: I’m 16, been weightlifting for over a year now, and interested in philosophy for a little over 8 months. Recently I’ve been trying to find my morals and, if I may say so, succeeding.
While I’m not going to say what sect or lack of one therefore (it’d be useless), I generally feel aligned with the Christian God. I got to this point with philosophy.
This has affected my thought process towards weightlifting because:
A. What usefulness is the body (in either strength or aesthetics) when in the end it’s your soul, or rather, morals that matter (and your relationship with God)
B. Because of A (above), why exercise beyond what takes you to God’s image of health for you? Surely God, and a rational part of the weightlifter themself, don’t honestly think there’s any reason to exercise extensively to the point where you risk injury. In the end, does muscle even matter?
To clarify, when I speak of weightlifters I speak of people like Arnold Schwarzenegger (albeit he was juiced), strongmen like kyriakos “grizzly”, ETC.
What I’m trying to communicate here is that physical strength really does seem quite useless, unless you’re in some position where it’s an absolute requirement such as the military.
Otherwise than that it seems like the motivation behind weightlifters, especially bodybuilders, is either to become an object of lust ( look at my muscles girl! ) or become an object of jealousy towards other men… Both of which are morally stupid
Can anyone give me reasons to continue weightlifting?
Also don’t take this too seriously, I wrote this in 5 minutes