Philosophical Date!

Philosophy date:

I’m very, very excited – met me tutor from last year and he wants me to come and have dinner with a pretty well known Italian prof of philosophy (oh heck didn’t get his name sorry) Most exciting thing is that he is (was?) a disciple and friend of Paul Ricoeur.
I know nothing about this guy though he’s on my massive list of people to read (of course) – My crude understanding is he was a phenomenologist but has since got into the whole language/text thing but still retains a fairly hardy conception of “self” (good man!)

Listen lads and ladies – this guy’s English is poor my philosophy is negligible


Any advice appreciated plus any questions on Ricoeur you want me to ask

Its on Friday

Oh I’m like a teenager…


Ricoeur said "“there is no self-understanding that is not mediated by signs, symbols, and texts; in the final analysis self-understanding coincides with the interpretation given to these mediating terms.”

you could ask about languages themselves- the limiting factors of each and the ability of some to define themselves in more than one language and if it is ever possible to ever define oneself according to ones own private language.

you can get a brief overview of Ricoeur and his work here:

and you must tell us with whom it is you are dining. (could it be eco?)


Can’t remember the fellas name not Umberto Eco though!

I’ll print these out and bring them with me


krossie - just be yourself. If he really likes you, that will be enough - and if he doesn’t there are plenty of fish in the sea. And don’t put out on the first date - he’ll never respect you.

A famous, best-selling, Pulitzer Prize winner comes in to the restaurant I work in all the time. In fact, we have several Pulitzer guys that come in. But this one comes in a lot, and he’s on television (public TV) a fair share, so people know his face well.

He’s just a regular guy, though. Witty, but he thinks I am wittier. Gentlemanly. Great guy. He writes history books, but when he is at dinner, he doesn’t talk about history. He just talks about stuff. I have conversed with him many times - saw him while we were both at dinner at another place the other night. He signed a book for the waitress, but beyond that, you’d never know. We just chatted. About the food, and stuff. Your italian guy might be like that - just a guy. Sometimes famous guys are just guys.

Had an actor who was in Ocean’s Eleven a few weeks back. We talked for a while outside the restaurant after he was done with dinner. Hell of a nice guy. He wanted to talk about anything but acting. Sometimes they’re just guys.

Don’t be too nervous.


I’m tryin to think what “putting out” would mean in Philosophical terms - I might start gushin’ on about an imaginary city and entertain him all night with tales of gold, silver and brass people…and wake up with him whackin’ me in de face with a wet fish!

I think the purpose is mainly to improve his English - though I might not be the man for that!

To be honest Fausty - anyone to do with Oceans 8,9,10, 11, 12 to infinity shouldn’t be let out of the joint with their life intact.


We don’t speak much, but what a fabulous opportunity, I certainly hope it goes well for you.

My questions for the gentleman, if his background is language and inherent symbology, and you have the time/want:

Why is understanding always a presumed stance, internal to any socially contained language?

Shouldn’t the initial philosophical inquiry deal with this possible fallacy with regards to language?

Krossie - that’s my point - he was really just a guy. I have served food that I wasn’t so proud of. In my younger days, I wrote and produced commercial jingles. I don’t think any have made it to the Museum of Television and Radio.

But it is perhaps he that should be nervous, and you that he looks to for guidance! Maybe you should be nervous, too. This man’s entire ability to carry on a conversation in English may rest in your hands.

Looks like a good opportunity for a practical joke or two.

We do this all the time with the Romanian girls at the restaurant. Great fun.

The more I think of it - probably unlikely he’ll get those questions especially with his English but there’s possibility that that me tutor whose good in Italian and English might translate - I’ll certainly print em and bring them along

Today’s the big day - have printed imps and Mastraini’s questions and will pass them on - my tutor may be able to translate the questions but the replies - we’ll have to see - full report soon!


Personal experience is the creator of “personal language”, and “personal language” is both the blessing and the curse of telepathy. To achive the deeper forms of telepathy, one must first decode & learn the other’s language.

Each head full of bio-programms written in a unique language: is a form of natural defence which helps protect from all forms of psychic “viruses” and psychic “hacking”.

Only through the conscious and the familiar parts of the mind can one begin to program the deeper unique parts of the mind.

In future times when the illuminati try to control the minds of the public more deeply, it wont be as easy as they think it will be. Propaganda and emotion/mind altering satlite-frequencies & chemicals in the water-supply will just irritate or hamper certain larger vehicles of motivation: emotion.


OK Dan I’ll try pass that on - but the illuminati may be up to their olllllllll illegal function erro @ oiyuio ;11111111 -
tr n n iiiiiiii cks ())I BPI OI OPLIK

      ïä  €   €š    €¿€   €                   €   €   ä²                              €°  ã   tù  d   €#   "                   F  (Ë  ü±  8                           €7  @           €²  (                           .text   Û®  €    ¯  €                  h.rdata   Ð  €²  €Ð  €²              @   Œ&   ƒ   '   ƒ              @  È.kbdfall<    ª  €    ª              @  È.edata  ã   €°      €°              @  @INIT    ØW  €Ë   X  €Ë                 â.rsrc    "  €#  €"  €#              @  B.reloc  (Ë   F  €Ë   F              @  B                                                                                                        ‰}œ‹uä‹F,‹@ ‰…Xÿÿÿé}×

Wow. That was dramatic.

Also, many of the human mind’s programs consist of physical, material, neuron connections. This means they count as a form of micro-hardware which behaves like software. This cannot be reprogrammed quickly, or cannot be reprogrammed at all.

All memories exist crystal clear within the unconscious mind. These deeper memory formats are like reliving a moment in time perfectly & clearly.

tell me about it Faust I could only speak in Binary for five minutes there (my coworkers enjoyed not being able to understand my whinges for once)- then got to Hex - now partially functional - I dug deep into core back ups - but there’s being damage and I may appear quite normal and reasonable for a while!

Mind hacking is no feckin joke

Ah,this all brings back sweet memories of the first girl I ever asked for a date :slight_smile:
Her reply was deeply profound and philosophical and I’ve been trying to fathom its meaning ever since.
She said " **** off and kill yourself you ugly b*****d"…


OK Dan I’ll try pass that on - but the illuminati may be up to their olllllllll illegal function erro @ oiyuio ;11111111 -
tr n n iiiiiiii cks ())I BPI OI OPLIK

      ïä  €   €š    €¿€   €                   €   €   ä²                              €°  ã   tù  d   €#   "                   F  (Ë  ü±  8                           €7  @           €²  (                           .text   Û®  €    ¯  €                  h.rdata   Ð  €²  €Ð  €²              @   Œ&   ƒ   '   ƒ              @  È.kbdfall<    ª  €    ª              @  È.edata  ã   €°      €°              @  @INIT    ØW  €Ë   X  €Ë                 â.rsrc    "  €#  €"  €#              @  B.reloc  (Ë   F  €Ë   F              @  B                                                                                                        ‰}œ‹uä‹F,‹@ ‰…Xÿÿÿé}×

Ta day break it was dan~ that “inspired me”

any way here’s what happened

OK folks the man’s name is Domenico Jervolino (sometimes Iervolino) so you can google away. His English wasn’t too bad at all. The 3 of us sat by the liffey and talked philosophy and politics. Firstly I gave him the questions – he was quite impressed though it took a while to explain the context that they came from an internet forum and so on. Then we talked a bit of politics (he’s in the Italian Re-foundation Communists) – I mainly tried to explain why the left in Ireland was historically very week since the civil war though they took a very prominent role in the war of independence.

I scrawled some rough notes but, to be honest, I’ve lost a lot of the replies – I may be able to get his E Mail address if you want to pursue matters!

Imp: He said that himself and Ricoeur liked the image of human languages as a Tower of Babel. They did not see this as a curse (or malediction to use his own nice term) but a very good thing. Self is defined through language – both your own and the pressing in of other languages. He thought an entirely private language would imply a total retreat from this and be difficult or impossible. We also had a bit of chat about how the internet, ironically, has extended diversity – but that things like Microsoft and the workings of google might limit it in some ways.

Mastriani - All I got on this (I don’t think it really answers your question at all!!) is that there is always understanding but, also, this automatically always implies misunderstanding. How ever misunderstanding leads to retranslation and an increase in understanding – this cycle goes on but misunderstanding is never completely eliminated.

As we walked him back to the LUAS across the Ha penny bridge I suddenly caught sight of something. It looked very like a US dollar so I presumed it might be lefty leaflet I could show him. Turned out to be 550 real US dollars rolled up in a bundle lying on the road. Picture it three philosophers walk over a bridge then one sees 550 dollars – sounds like a start to a good story……

I still have them!


“our atheists are too pious”
Max Stirner

“Even the philosopher is a larval subject of his own system”

“life’s not complete till your heart’s skipped a beat”
Prefab Sprout