To expand on this. From the philosophical humor web page:
Sartre and Camus were eating onions. Both agreed that the heart of the onion tasted like a dead God.
“We still get off on rolling the stone up the hill,” said Camus.
"We who? said Sartre.
Advice to Wile E Coyote–You would do well to stop reading Kierkegaard.
Plato–The ulitimate apple pie lies beyond our cave wall illusion.
Aristotle–Well go get it,I’m hungry.
Via Tatler magazine…
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Scholastics–God makes them do it.
Idealists–All the goodies are on the other side.
Existentialists–To come back and do it again forever.
Pragmatists–For some fowl reason.
Neitzscheans–It’s chicken, all too chicken.
As seen on Tatler on Facebook today:
"In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria."
~ Franklin (As in…Ben)
A poetic one…
I just thought of one:
While aiming a gun…
Chances are high you’ll hit the sky,
Chances are low you’ll hit the ground.
From “Laugh-In”,mid 1960s
What drove Oscar wild?
Clair Booth was Luce; But Lautrec was Touloose. SIC (Sp.)
A real Pythagorian commandment is “Thou shalt not eat beans.” Only one human orifice has the right to speak.
Here’s a great graffito I saw in a 6thForm toilet in 1978.
To do is to Be.
Jean Paul Sartre
To Be is to Do,
Martin Heidegger.
To Be Do Be Do.
Francisco Sinatra.
Pi and his wife at the marriage guidance counsellor…
But he never quite reaches you position, four.
What is the difference between a truck load of babies and a truck load of ping-pong balls?[/size]
Answer next post.
You can’t unload a truck load of ping-pong balls with a pitch fork!
Sorry not very philosophical, but an old standard.