Philosophy For Us Dummies

I need to know more about social security…is this a good thing…is it sustainable…the republicans want to do away with it…why

Please read the next post!

Yes, I know, In Germany, the people of the UK are sometimes called “Insel-Affen” (“Island-Apes”). But seriously: being surrounded by water can be very dangerous but also advantageous. It’s a risk to live on an island, but if the living beings that do it are on the lucky side, then they benefit.

Looks like a cleverly disguised duplicate post to me…mmm

Why?.. Yes… Yes… do they… I don’t know why.

us dummies--------------do you notice on the mental illness thread something that goes on here that is not mental health…a fight is going on and that is what is important to the guys…it is more important than understanding about helping those that have a mental illness…

Disagreement is to be expected. It’s the orgy of ad homs that is the problem. And some people just don’t appreciate being talked down to. The thread is bloated with irrelevant material, probably enough to scare off the newbies.

there is no fight turtle… I do not fight.

I applaud MagsJ for hands on moderation in the MI thread. No one should be considered an idiot for not grasping the original intent of a post. No one here should have to have grammar corrected or to be spoken down to. Most who make honest mistakes will admit to them. There is no one perfect here. To think so is narcissistic. I welcome all newbies to this thread. Just read the Op and go from there.
Example—the sentence “I think you missed the point as you so often do.” should have stopped with “I think you missed the point”.

I think it is important to acknowledge that people are not perfect. This includes people who behave in a way that we disagree with.

jr----what do you think about the use of moderation

Moderation is not a criticism of person.

I hope you are right

I know how “I” feel and so I am right. I am not in control of the feelings of others (including yours).

We are here to opine. Only a narcissist would consider moderation as negative criticism.


:-k Ierrellus, I do often recall… :-"

Mea culpa. Satisfied?

No, I am not satisfied at all… one way or the other. That’s not what I was looking for. I was just giving a little reminder here. Feel free to remind me too if you so wish.

With rights there must be responsibility.
With freedom there must be restraint.
Ultimately the best form of moderation is self-moderation.

sounds good but some times you need the moderator to break up the fight…