Philosophy ILP style


You are playing word games. I’m not into playing word games. When I claimed 1 divided by 4 equals .25 you played word games talking about 1 divided by 4 equals 1/4. Now you admit that 1 divided by 4 equals .25.

I never claimed that .25 wasn’t 1/4 of 1.

No matter how you slice it, 1 Stick divided by 4 does not equal 1 Square! It’s equal to both .25 Stick and 1/4 stick. What you are claiming is that 4 squares divided into 4 parts equals 1 Square. We are not talking about dividing 4 squares.

Like I said before, the word “fourteen” is a name for the decimal 14.0. I said there were 14.0 posts in the thread. So yes, I could also say there are fourteen posts in the thread. But fourteen is not a number. Fourteen is the word we use to name the decimal 14.0, which is the number 1 in the Tens decimal place, and the number 4 in the Ones decimal place.

14.0 is not a number, it is the number 1 and the number 4 in decimal places, that we name fourteen. There is no number 14 in base 10.

There isn’t even the number 10 in base 10. That is a decimal representation with the number 1 in the Tens decimal position. It is “1 Ten.”

Now you’re talking about placeholders that define bases.

I mean…

If you really want to get technical, there is no lower base than three.

The same symbol with the space key and the enter key.

Motor, to be perfectly honest. I don’t think you understand number theory very well.

You think that it is better for a message board to host childish and antagonizing expressions of frustration than discussions pertaining to false beliefs that are rarely held?

You think it’s better to exchange insults than to discuss beliefs that most people think are false?

You think that if pood thinks that a topic shouldn’t be hosted by this forum that he’s justified in expressing his opinion in an unfriendly and unproductive way? You don’t think he should do it the mature way?

And you also think that other people shouldn’t offer resistence to what you’re doing merely because they are not moderators?

I am pretty sure you perceive my resistance as annoying, irritating and hostile. But I highly doubt I’m the most insulting of all.

And why don’t you respond to what I already wrote?


If you think “10” is a number, then you think having “10” apples in base 10 is the same amount of apples as having “10” apples in base 9. That is false!

Having "10 apples in base 10 is having (an x for each apple) x x x x x x x x x x
Having “10” apples in base 9 is having (an x for each apple) x x x x x x x x x

They are both “10”

The top one is a NUMBER 1 in the Tens decimal position
The bottom one is the NUMBER 1 in the Nines decimal position

The “number 10” is two different amount of apples. The number of apples are two different number of apples, but they are both represented as “10.”

I am not dividing 4 cubes into 4 parts. I am dividing 1 stick (formed by joining together 4 equally sized cubes) into 4 parts. The result of that division is that each part is “1/4 stick” long as well as “1 cube” long as well as “0.25 stick” long.

You know very well I disagree with that. So how are we going to resolve this disagreement?

You’re really not thinking this through man.

The ONLY way that you can make a base is with a placeholder.

For some bizarre reason I don’t understand, you can’t think outside of base 10.

You keep trying to convert base 9 to base 10.

It makes no sense. You literally lack the ability to think in a different base!!!

You were frustrated that 0.3 in base 9 has to deal with 1.

I already told you that 1=0.9 in base nine.

Three divides equally.

You don’t seem to understand what it means to THINK in a different base, let alone its implications.

That doesn’t follow.

When I say that 10 is a number, I am saying that the two-character string and the two-digits symbol that is “10” stands for (i.e. represents) a number.

I am NOT saying that the symbol is a number. I am saying that the symbol represents a number.

In base-10, that symbol represents the same number as the word “ten”.

In base-9, it represents the same number as the word “nine”.

They aren’t both 10. That seems like bad English. They are both represented by the same symbol, the same numeral, the same two-character string that is “10”.

There is nothing to resolve. There is the number 1. There is the number 4. There is the number 1 in the Tens decimal position, with a number 4 in the Ones decimal position. It looks like 14.0.

There is the word “fourteen” which is the name for the decimal 14.0, which is the number 1 and the number 4 in decimal positions.

Case closed.There is the numbers 0-9 in decimal positions. There is names for those decimals.

You literally don’t understand what you’re talking about.

The word “decimal” itself implies base ten!!

Your mind is literally incapable of processing or thinking in a different base than base 10.

Do you even know why we use base 10?

Probably not.

Most of us have 10 fingers and 10 toes.

Motor, in this thread, you are showing massive ignorance about number theory.

You mean the word “ten” is the word to describe a 1 in the Tens position, and a 0 in the Ones position. We call that “ten.” It is not a number. It is two different numbers in two different decimal positions, and we have one word to describe that, which is “ten.”

In base 9, the number 1 in the Nines decimal position and a 0 in the Ones position (10) is less apples than a “10” in base 10.

If you claim “10” is a number, then you are claiming that “10” is two different numbers.

10 is not a number, 10 is the number 1 and the number 0, in different decimal positions. In base 10 that means more apples than it does in base 9.

There is a disagreement to resolve. You know, the one that exists between the two of us. You think that 10 is not a number, I think that it is.

You just closed the case by declaring that you’re right.

That’s not what I mean. “Ten” is not a word describing a numeral. It is a word describing a number.

That doesn’t follow.

Yup. Deal with it! LOL :wink:

Fuck. Really.

You need a placeholder to have a base.

Now, when you convert it to decimal (decimal literally means 10), then if you want the conversion into placeholder logic in decimal 1=0.9

Which means that 0.3 divides equally.

It is a word describing 2 numbers, the number 1 in the Tens position, and the number 0 in the Ones position. It is one word used to describe two numbers in two different decimal positions.

Look on your keyboard number pad, there is no number 10. Proof!

And if there are no numbers on your keyboard, then numbers don’t exist.

There is no number 10 on your keyboard number pad because it is a 1 and a 0, and they are both numbers on the pad. You create the decimal 10 with the number 1 and the number 0. There is no number 10.

Have you heard of Roman numeral system?

Fuck. Again. Stop with the insanity.

There’s an “f” on your keyboard - base 16 (represented in base 10).

You literally cannot think in a base outside base 10.

You’re still using the decimal system to define your words.

Next up: … ng_paradox :laughing: