Does it still have a real function in the perspective of society? I do not think so. All the most important things seem to have been figured out apart maybe from sience. It’s kinda hard though to see a guy in white spending all his time in a laboratory as a philosopher. Some cornes of philosophy might still have some use, like ethics. Famous high-school paper subjects like “Is abortion a good thing?” etc. come to mind. I think that people now have the luxury of not having to think about philosophy. All the information is readily available and everybody can freely think what they want.
Where I want to go from here… Maybe you can say that everybody is there own philosopher and has his own personal philosophy. You must take into consideration that the time and place we are living in is absolutely unique. We do not have to work our ass of 24/7. A lot of people do work very hard offcourse but that is first of all a choice , and secondly probably not so hard as the mayority used to work in the western world or at present time in poor countries like Nepal. What this means is that people now have actually the time and energy to think about things like this, in contrast with only a small elite. Further more, we are allowed to look up and think about almost everything. At least enough I think to build up your own specific way of seeing things without being denied crucial information.
According to the above the means of being a philosopher are available. Now the only restrictions are purely personal. First of all you can choose not to be a philospher and go for a still available ready-made package like antroposophics or some dying but not quite dead form of christianity. But the people who are really serious about this seem a small minority to me (at least in The Netherlands that is). More people seem to not ask the important questions about mankind an human life at all and are happily seduced by consumerism.
This said , a philosopher, that means somebody who wants not only to create an opinion about philosophics matters, but also as somebody who wants them published, has become dated and obsolete. Society seems to have created , at least for a larger percentage of people then ever before, an enviroment where they are no longer requiered, apart from purely personal goals. Offcourse, a function in discussing philosophy can still be found , namely entertainment.