Philosophy is Alive

Pax Vitae stated:

I thought maybe you would like to read something I once wrote…

We begin with two basic concepts:

  1. The unquestionable truth that 1+1=2.
  2. X cannot equal X and not X at the same time and in the same respect.

Whether we are aware of it or not, we all believe
(consciously or sub-consciously) that ‘x cannot be x and not x at the
same time and in the same respect’ - this may sound similar to Aristotle’s
quote but I assure you I mean something a little different. The above
illustrates the impossibility of something existing in one place, at
one time, in one form; while also not existing at that same place, same
time, and same form. To further simplify, I give an example; your mind
can believe that the monitor you are staring at right now either exists
or doesn’t exist, but your mind cannot imagine the monitor you are staring
at both exists and doesn’t exist at this very moment in the same form
it is right now. Just to clarify that the time and form have everything
to do with this concept since your monitor may one day exist and the
next day be gone. Moreover, at this very moment the monitor can exist
in one form and change to another one later, ie. right now it is
together in a solid form; if you were to melt it, then it would be in
liquid form.

Having established the impossibility of a thing both existing and not
existing at the same time and in the same respect we can move on to
more intricate matters. I wish to explain that as far as we know there
are no two things on the planet or in the universe that are exactly
the same. The atomic structure of any one thing is different from the
atomic structure of another thing. Atoms themselves are different in
that their electrons are in different locations and the parts of atoms
that are smaller than protons, neutrons, and electrons (ie. quarks)make
each atom unique despite the element they make-up (ie. Hydrogen). This
being said, I wish to illustrate that 1+1=2 cannot be done in practice.
Once you pick one representative for the number 1 within the equation,
you will never find another one exactly like it to add together, hence
the equation falls apart. The only way you could have two exact things
existing is if they occupied the same space. But if two things existed
in the same place they would alter the form of each one, so neither
would exist in its original form. If they could occupy the same space
and stay in the same form than there would no longer be two, but only
one would remain. One would sieze to exist and one would exist. Since
nothing can both exist and not exist at the same time and in the same

We have established that there is no such thing as one(1), two (2),
or any other number for that matter. It only exists as a concept. We
are so use to adding labels and concepts that many have come to believe
that it is undeniably true in all situations. For example, we have
labelled these tall things that grow from the ground as ‘trees’. With
this label we can say that we see two trees. But really, they are not
exactly alike. You may think that this exactness is just my trivial
meanderings, but I assure you that when this simplistic math is put to
the test to explain sub-atomic particles or the temperatures of stars
hundreds of parsecs away, it is exactly what I am talking about here
that causes us all to stop and rework our math to suit a new condition.
This reworking sometimes takes hundreds of years because people are
close minded and think that there is nothing wrong with our math and
that it will never need amending or altering.

I will clarify what math is to me. It may appear to you that after
you have read this you are left with less rather than more. Math is
the categorization and grouping of labels to stimuli. It is also a
systematic conceptual framework that allows us to manipulate the very
framework it is constructed on.

We must realize for ourselves that math is something we thought up,
it wasn’t waiting for us to be found. Therefore, math is conceptual
framework created to the best of our ability, with the greatest
results so far and a lack of some better option - obviously we would
not be using math if there was a better framework we knew of.

D stated:

No life? What do you mean there is no life? And how in the hell do you
suppose that if you were right that there is no life that it would
something substantiate your claim that there is no philosophy? One doesn’t
lead to the other. WHat the hell are people doing everyday if it isn’t
life? Or are you just going to rename it to something else with some
kind of a twist that affirms that something else like life does exist
but without philosophy?

You obviously ignored my previous post or ignored my suggestion. Once
again, you obviously know nothing of philosophy if you think that all
it is is gazing at the stars and asking oneself if there is a God. Many
contemporary philosophers are athiests, which means they did ask themselves
whether there is a God, but it doesn’t necessitate that they were star gazing
when the did, nor does it give weight to your claim that philosophy is
somehow about star gazing and thiestic conceptualizations. Furthermore,
who are you to state, as if it was fact, that star gazing and questioning
whether there is a God or not is a waste of time? Give us some arguments
instead of obtuse and radical statements appealling to emotion. You may
not give a shit about your real self, or any degree of self, but others might.
You haven’t provided any arguments for why one shouldn’t try to delve into
a deeper sense of who they are.

Again, what do you mean by “You don’t even know you were born”? If you mean
that we do not have memories of being born, sure. But look at ALL the things
you don’t have memory of but know that happened. But I’ll play your game and
ask you the following, imagine that you are right and we don’t know we were
born and because we don’t know something we should not wonder about it, which
is the logic you used for making the statement that thinking about one’s own
birth is a waste of time. So then isn’t EVERYTHING you don’t have a memory of
a waste of time? Furthermore, it can easily be argued that NOTHING can ever
be TRULY known, similarily as Pax Vitae made mention in his previous post.
If you accept that, then following your logic means we should think about
anything since we can’t know anything. See, it is skeptical arguments like
yours that are argued by skeptics time and time again, each feeling they are
somehow greater than the rest because they enter doubt into every argument
possible but contribute nothing themselves, that we end up in the end responding
to the Skeptic “So what?”. So I ask you, “So what if I don’t remember that I was

Lastly, even if everything you said in the above is true, there is still
no logic in your statements that leads to your claim “Philosophy is scrabble”.
It has become apparent to me that your posts are like scrabble, YOU are just
playing around with words without actually giving the ideas the time of day.

So be it…

What’s your take?

And like that he was gone.

And like that he was gone.


You seem to be an interesting fellow. I am under the impression that you are experiencing the frustration/helplessness that results for many that study or have an interest in Philosophy. You seem to be especially plagued by the notion that nothing can ever be known for certain. But don’t forget, there is one thing that is for certain: You are thinking.

When Magius asked you-

you responded-

I agree that every facet of “life” can be broken down into a seemingly meaningless conglomeration of irrelevant instances, actions and thoughts. The fact of the matter is, no one knows the meaning of life (or rather the reason why we think).

But that doesn’t mean there is not a meaning to life.

You need to decide for yourself whether life has a meaning or doesn’t. There is only one way to find out; and that is to live.

D also stated-

First, language is tool created by humans as a result of the pursuit for meaning. The same way that Math attempts to create meaning, so does language (i.e philosophy). Magius sufficiently argued there are no postulates in Mathematics that can be deemed entirely true. However you replied-

If you are going to allow Mathematics the chance to decipher the universe under fallicious pretenses, I think you need to extend the same courtesy to philosophy.

In closing D, I’d like to say that you have the lawyer-like quality of being able to argue for or against anything. You have demonstrated this most notably by contradicting yourself in the aforementioned example. Be weary of arguing for argument’s sake. Aside from stagnating your growth, you might give Magius an aneurysm :wink:

And like that he was gone.

And he was gone

D said-

You are allowed to believe whatever you like. But you are no more correct than someone that believes reality is not ficticious. I’ve already covered the reasons behind this. You chose to ignore my entire post. The same arguments you use to disprove Magius’ assertion can be used to disprove your beliefs about the existence of Fermions. Have you ever seen a Fermion? The proof that Fermions exist is purely mathematical. As you stated earlier, math is not truth.

What is reality? Whatever you are aware of. The fact that you are aware means that you are in a reality. Whether this reality is navigated by laws or by an evil genius is irrelevent. Perhaps a reality outside your mind is nonexistent. But the fact that you are experiencing something cannot be refudiated. This something is reality.

I am deeply curious to know what your thoughts on my previous post are. It seems you side-step the issues that you are incapable of arguing against.

like that


I’m happy to say that I agree with everything you stated in your last post. I think everyone can identify with your confusion and desire for clarity.

You said-

Knowing that we can’t really know for sure (seemingly) what the contents of the room are, perhaps that is not our mission. Have you ever considered that the relationships you forge with the others in the dark room is actually the light switch you are searching for? Perhaps life’s purpose does not lay in an external world.

I’m not trying to endorse this theory, I’m just trying to demostrate that their are many ways of attempting to make sense of life. But this is philosophy. Trying to answer the question “what is life?”.
As this question has not been answered, I would assert that philosophy is not dead.

Well, I’ll let Magius defend himself. The mistake here isn’t that science and maths aren’t paths but that you need a path at all. Truth isn’t something you discover, it is something you decide. It is a concept that helps us live in the world.

No problems with invention, but the light switch is already on. Platonisms like this are just frustrating until you realize that you know what ‘grope’ means, you know what ‘dark’ means, what ‘something happening’ is, ‘invention’, ‘room’, and ‘head’ are. Most of what you know is true. The mistake isn’t in truth but in the one TRUTH.

I suppose not. Two thousand plus years of a category mistake doesn’t disappear overnight.

Apparently I have been away for too long.

D stated:

To say that a thing is true in it’s own realm is not a proper substantiation of the thing itself. I
could just as easily go around claiming unicorns exist according to a realm of my choosing. In the
same way it is obvious that in the realm of math, 1+1=2 is true. I am not denying that, I am saying
that math doesn’t truly exist in the real world for the before mentioned reasons. There is no ‘1’
in the real world, it is nothing more than a conception used by humans to help them organize their
experiences of their reality. Question: Do you believe that if all human beings were dead that
math would still exist?

I stated:

D resopnded:

Firstly, what do you assume is my language of truth? To me, life doesn’t equal zero.

I stated:

D responded:

Apparently I should be asking you for your definition of ‘life’ and then ask you what it is you think human beings are
experiencing, doing, living, or whatever choice of words you decide upon. See, the word ‘life’ is usually used as a
general term for our sojourn in this reality as human beings. We can pick on the definition of human being and what it
constitutes, but what I was trying to get at before is what exactly is you issue with the word ‘life’ as not being
enough to define what human beings are doing in this reality. Which is why I said that I thought it was you who was
playing scrabble and not philosophy.

D stated:

Well now I’m really confused. YOu say that ‘life’ is not what human beings experience yet you say that ‘life’ is silly.
Now I’m left almost no choice but to conclude that you are a hypocrit and one who plays around with words for the
sake of saying someone is wrong. FInally, I hope you go into more depth as to why philosophy plays scrabble, I would
be interested to hear about that some more.

D, if your going to quote me, you better quote me properly…you quoted the following

It isn’t Celine Dion who said it but Ralph Emerson. If you were trying to crack a joke do so in a different context so that
we are all clear that it is a joke and your not making fun of anyone.

D stated:

I’m glad to hear you have a background in physics. But I’m confused why you believe that there are things that are EXACTLY the
same within the universe, I’m probably confused because every university physics major I have talked to has agreed and understood
that no two things are the same in the universe. I even heard it said by a professor in lecturing a chemistry class.
Now when you say identical, I think you should elaborate. You might not realize the generality of that word. I too could
argue that any two trees are identical because they are trees. But I would be doing nothing more than playing scrabble.
Although two trees may be of the same kind (e.g. Evergreen’s or whatever) they will never be the same for the simple reason
that they occupy different space within the universe. Fermions may be of the same family as Evergreens are of the same
family, but that doesn’t make one evergreen identical to the next, nor does it make one Fermion identical to the next.

D stated:

So far all you have done is made claims without backing anything up. It takes a naive obtuse individual to argue back against
someone with “that is all complete rubbish”. NOthing I have ever heard is COMPLETE rubbish. There a some degree of truth
to every statement I have ever heard, but it takes a personal with patience, wisdom, a sense of equality, and a respect for
individuals until they are wronged them, to realize that of people. Making things up is not something I can afford to do, simply
because I speak only of what I hear and read when it comes to talk of knowledge based discussions. This doesn’t mean I am right,
but it does mean that I don’t make anything up. Your reality has become evident to me now, since you think reality is a
fictional bicycle it brings light to many of your previous statements. I heard that Jennifer Lopez has issured her ass, you may
want to think about doing the same.

D stated:

Yet you fail to explain why.

D stated:

This statement along with your reality being a fictional bicycle has revealed much about you. I hope you won’t mind explaining
a little paradox. You label me as making things up and what I said as being rubbish, you said these things because they
contradict what you learned in physics (supposedly) yet you say that you think we are essentially blind to what is happening.
Well physics is a method of establishing and understanding what is happening. YOu seem to be grasped onto physics like a
cat on the ceiling that has been scared by reality. I’m very glad that you admit that you started inventing what the room (reality)
looks like in your own head, which brings further light to the fact that each time you make a claim against someone or label
them you are only projecting. Evidently, it is you who is making things up and admit to it. YOu say you stopped looking for the
light, which I find hard to believe, cause if you stopped looking for the light it would mean that you haven’t taken things you have
learned to be true, otherwise you would be happily convinced by the explanations by physics. Explain?

What’s your take?

D stated:

Sorry, I just can’t get over this quote, it’s too funny. D, check the word ‘rubbish’ in the dictionary and you’ll probably get the following

  1. Worthless material.
  2. Foolish discourse; nonsense

Now your saying that what I said was rubbish, so I wonder if you also think that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is rubbish aswell? You say it’s about energy levels and quantum wave states, and NOT location. Well, if you read up on Heisenberg you may just find that it’s very much about location. But why am I saying this to you? You already know all this because you are a physics major, right? YOu can start by checking out the following…
then I suggest going through some books, in case you don’t know about the principle. Furthermore, I never said it wasn’t about quantum wave states or energy levels, it is, but it ALSO has everything to do with location.

So before you go mouthing off, make sure you know your sources so you don’t look like a pretentious, egotistical, naive poster.

What’s your take?

Does anyone else appreciate the unqiue irony found in D’s position, namely that he is a Physics major (which entails an actual, perceived physical reality thay may be known), yet denies that reality is knowable?

Yet, I think I’ll play D’s Scrabble game for a moment and play with words by asking a question that I think I hinted at previously. If the proposition “Reality is unknowable” is:

i. true
ii. can be known (as D apparently believes) and…
iii. makes an actual and valid descriptive statement about reality

…then can it not be stated that we actually do know something about reality? Namely, that it is unknowable. Then, isn’t the person who holds such a position being inconsistent?

gone like that

gone like a wisp of smoke

For goodness sake, D, listen to yourself!

First you write that deny reality beyond word construction, and then write “My study in the realm of quantum mechanics and relativity…” What the heck then is the ‘realm of quantum mechanics’?! A word construction?! Then how does it hold any validity and lead you to a legitimate conclusion?!

There is no truth, only interpretations.

To repeat myself from previous posts, is that statement true or false?! If false, then it’s false. If true, then it’s inherently contradictory and thus false. If neither, it makes no claim, so what the heck then are you trying to say?

You fail to understand what I am saying by constantly trying to find a contradiction.

Quite frankly, I don’t think you understand the consequences of what you’re saying yourself. I think the contradictions are readily obvious. I don’t think you intentionally set out to develop and maintain an incoherent world-view, so how on earth do you intend to resolve fundamentally contrary beliefs in your worldview?

gone home

oops, double posted

D stated:

Well, if your going to argue with yourself, don’t let me stop you. But you should clarify your doing so. Apparently you ask me a question, but then you make the claim that there is no real world except the one created by our languages. What does that tell me? For one, you have answered the question and left nothing for anyone else to say. You speak in contradictions, first you say there is no real world, but then you follow up with “except that created by our languages”. So there IS a real world, namely, the one created by our languages. I just want to ask you, if the ONLY real world is the one created by our languages, what are languages in? Furthermore, what are languages MADE in? SInce, the languages, according to your logic, must be outside the realm of REAL WORLD if languages created that world. Something cannot create something it is not outside of it, because it would mean they did not create it.

D stated:

Sure you can, and to some degree you can’t. Making things up is usually how skeptics get their mojo, they take logic you use and find ANY possible means of contradiction to insert into that logic, even if it isn’t realistic. Like I said before, this leads to meaningless extremes which do nothing for our understanding of our life and its surroundings. The connotation behind your first sentence makes it seem like you are saying that someone can simply INVENT the world around them, this is non-sense in a general respect. Ofcourse, there are many instances where psychologists have shown that what one believes will tend to be perceived by a perceiver whether it is there or not, but this is in specific situations. Furthermore, this doesn’t affect how you see the world, it only affects your interpretation of it. Interpetation gets affected in unclear situations. But we couldn’t go around saying, for instance, that I can make up all the green things in my reality to be purple…and woosh…all green things are purple. I cannot just make up that I live in a world with no trees and walk outside my house and find to my surprise that all the trees are gone. In concluding, I think you have a point that you need to elaborate on and dig deeper. I think if you stopped speaking so generally and in a manner as if it was fact, without your pretenciousness, and your rude remarks, you may actually find your mind getting closer to that splinter, that needle in a hay stack that brings it all together. You see, your general statement is wrong, as would be it’s opposite, but, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, which is what I have tried to show you in this paragraph.

D stated:

You can make me up, sure, but it will not stop me from being who I am. Especially if you were ever to meet me, which is my point, reality - whatever you decipher that to be - is not controlled by our minds. Hence, you cannot make me out be anything, but you can make what I SAY to belong to some honoured tradition of thinkers. But what I say and who I am are two different things, which is why I disagree with your previous statement about language being the true and only reality.

D stated:

Do we? How are you so sure? If everything is essentially arbitrary, why do you hide behind physics without an actual explanation in arguing against someone elses views?

D stated:

Well I hope you are beginning to see how no two things in the universe are EXACTLY the same.

D stated:

Yet you fail to explain why. Actually, you fail to explain just about everything you say. I guess you just take everything you think of to be true no matter what anyone has to say. Once again your close mindedness and obtuse ramblings enter the picture. I’m beginning to find your posts to be very arid with no real value in the things you say…off hand. I didn’t ‘name-drop’ the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, I am well aware of what it is and am acquainted, generally, with it’s meaning, implications, and how it came to be. But, I guess I will explain my justification for the principle, apparently you know nothing about it. The principle is about our inability to know about the location of an electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom, emphasis on LOCATION. In order to find the precise location of a moving particle, or anything for that matter, we must know its position at some point and its momentum (assumed to be constant), but the more we know about the location of it, the less we know about the momentum, and the same vice versa, which is why we cannot figure out the location of the electron at any instant. Hence, we were talking about location being important or not important, my claim being that it is important, and your claim that it has nothing to do with it. So, here I am explaining to you why it does have to do with location.

What’s your take?

like that he was gone