Philosophy of Sport


I have learned the value of endurance from track in high school and how natural selection works from kung fu.

My philisophical reflection on popular sport - an obvious outworking of the tribal instinct for conflict, worship of idols, religious-esque worship and homo-erotica

Sports are often used in examples of philosophy of language. For instance, it’s been argued that you don’t need a full set of persice rules in language, just like you don’t need them in tennis. There is no rule in tennis (or at least there wasn’t at some point) that said how high one could throw the ball when serveing- so one could throw the ball so high that their oppent died before they got a chance to play. But yet this isn’t really a problem and people play anyway.

(This arguement is not nessiarly reflect the views of me.)

Albert Camus wrote that he learned everything about ethics from watching soccer in college…

chomsky says that sports are a sort of “diversion for the masses”. to keep “them” from thinking too much about things that matter.

from a lecture (excerpted from the canadian documentary “manufacturing consent”):

emphasis and ellipses added by: ME. :sunglasses:

what about natural selection and kung fu? and other ones? i couldn’t think of any actual examples… i only played sports when i was a kid so i wasn’t really up for any philosophical reflection. :sunglasses:

Issue 41 of the Philosophy Now magazine had some coverage of Philosophy and Sports:

I learned that ones main practice occurs in the mind with imagery and in turn manefests itself in the material world.

1st of all chomsky is odd based on his language acquisition theory.

2nd of all:
some one once told me that “sport is the first step to ignorance” which is true in some sense that you play out on your insticts and and it mainly depends on nerve and muscle connection and how good it is. But also it is refelction of ancient cavemen how they would hunt and gather!!!

but other than that i love sports

why is that odd? chomsky is not only a linguist, but a self-made scholar of politics, world order, the media, and everything that goes along with that. don’t assume i don’t know. and don’t assume you’ve “blown my mind, mannn” with that remark. i’m familiar with his theory of language acquisition and i can say with the greatest amount of confidence that that has absolutely nothing to do with this topic. i like how some people just spill out everything they’ve memorized at just the slightest provocation…blindly hoping that they will somehow come close to the mark.

and all you’ve contributed to this thread is something that began with:

so let’s not even get into it. (will one of the serious logicians around here point out the difference in value between a referenced quote and a straight-up, second-hand “argument from authority”?)

chomsky still stands as completely relevant to this thread. :sunglasses: