What do you guys think? would a philosophy radio show have a place among radical political talk shows, paranormal talk shows, and religious talk shows?
What’s your impression? would you be interested in listening participating or hosting?
I doubt it would draw much interest. Plus you would probably have to pay for ads and bandwidth unless there is a way to get sponsors. If it manages to come about, keep us apprised.
Philosophy is such a broad topic that I don’t think a single radio broadcast would attract much of an audience. I can’t talk about philo radio shows, but I know that (for example) ‘beer’ broadcasts, those about ‘beer’ don’t do well. However, those on topics such as, “Brewing with wild yeast”, “Drunken Fratboy adventures”, “Belgian Beers”, “Northwestern Beers”, “Hoppy beers”, “Homebrewing”, and so on, all have devoted audiences.
I don’t know Wonderer, I have a hard enough time keeping up in here. At least here, discussions are archived and can be referred to again for verification. Being placed on the ‘airwaves’ puts it into an esoterical vein. It’s gets wild in ILP with text…just think how much wilder it would be being broadcast.