Photographs of God

Thank you Angel. Let’s continue Jerry’s wonderful thread. I will start.

(as usual, I did something wrong, but it is a sweet picture)

Nope, that’s not it. What do you (anyone) think annoyed me about the thread?

Here’s my two cents. J posted a post. Two women complimented fevourishly. Am I right or am I correct?

Nope, compare and contrast the photos posted minus the gollum one because that was meant for humor.

Perhaps something along the lines of; “not only healthy white children epitomize divinity”, or else “what’s with the implicit exclusion of poverty and suffering?”; or could it even be; “God is in these photos too (shows photo of malnourished African person)… tsk tsk God is such a naughty chap, except God is the source of naughty and nice, in which case, see options one and two again, and be more honest in the future.”

I guess Jerry just doesn’t like any of the above. Or else, I don’t know, maybe he just doesn’t like you. On a purely philosophical level, the argument from the existence of evil has always already been anticipated by theology - or at least it seems so to me. But the way that this anticipation, this seeming victory, is appropriated by some Christians often resembles to my eye a kind of moral relativism - which then becomes merely the negative form of the argument from the existence of evil. And thus a hypocrite is born.

In any case, I can keep speculating if you like. Maybe you just don’t like kids?



I think James is onto something rather helpful here, TheAdlerian, why not respond and tell us what you think.

Hello all. Wow, what hostility. Adlerian claims to not believe in God. He thinks we come from monkeys, so he showed us how we look like we evolved instead having been created. But jerry’s point was never anti-evolution or even teleological. He was just commenting on how his children awaken his senses to something that transcend himself. He calls this “God,” which is his only mistake, because then Adlerian can take him literally and be a dipshit by mixing metaphors and in one breath making a point about his belief in theologl but with a double meaning that could be construed as insulting. THose are beautiful children, and I too see God in them. It is a known fact t hat it is easier to see God in white children, but I don’t feel that means there is no God in aborignees either, just maybe less, which is not there fault and we should help all we can.

What? Known fact to whom? Is this for real or a joke? All children are beautiful. :confused: God may just be a black woman. Careful, sonny. .Yomama may scratch your little Caucasion eyeballs out.

Something just came up. Many a man today puts on a show of their presumed moral superiority by claiming something along the line of “children move me, adults disgust me”. I’m not pointing my fingure here, but if I did then anyone who considers himself living in the herd can sit on it. Little children are immoral. Older ones are generally more base and vulgar than the common grown up. I question your rationality and modesty if you think or insist otherwise. Just because Christians chose to put their imagiary figures with wings into children’s bodies, doesn’t mean you have to describe children as angelic. Being angelic is easy business when you’re a naked baby, but really tough when you’re all bucked and wrapped. Virtues are learnt and developed. What time and effort can children possibly use to make themsleves virtuous? Even not to step on a sleeping cat is something that their parents have to warn beforehand. Urban pets would have all been killed for the sake of having fun or just curiosity, boredom, if not for the wide spread education of morality in our society. Children are cruel, and they don’t even know it. Morality isn’t the boy’s toy, he always put batman on the clown in the end just because he only manages to immitate. The man is more virtous in the way that simple wouldn’t put the plastic models the other way round. The definition for adult is that those who are able to embrace a comprehensive range of human creations. Making an independent, fairly complex moral judgment is a typical sign that’s widely recognised for intelelctual maturity. You are moral, then you are the reader of Schiller and listener of Wagner. You are immoral, you either could read jack or you could read Nietzsche.

Oh well, I guess my foot is in my mouth. I didn’t quite mean it that way. I just assumed there were no people of color here so I was careless. What I meant was, if you’re white, you see god in white children. Okay, I’m just kidding, it was a joke. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention. I see god in all children, especially black ones. Because their bodies are designed so well. Good muscle tone, sleek and strong. And when they dance, watch out. I love all people. I do not play the color game. Every time I see all the white jesus paintings in my house and all my friends houses I think, just because Jesus was white doesn’t mean God necessarily is that white.

This is just great!

Anyway, I have to leave work now. Later I will give my reaction to the thread.

It’s from a lesbian perspective though, so watch out! Insert winking smile face here.


Children are cruel because they are honest and haven’t learned to be adults and lie their little socks off. It seems as tho’ you have had a bad experience either as a child yourself or perhaps being an uncle or neighbor to some difficult little ones. Look: Children need to be taught by example. It is our job as adults to do what we need to give them the values to carry them through a lifetime.

If you lie, so will they.

If you hit, so will they.

If you feel the way you do , so might they.

Soooo, lighten up and realize that children are born as innocents. They look to their parents to show them the way. They are not born mean, but are predisposed to certain personalities which may make some more difficult than other children. I still maintain that most people are good at heart, but children for heaven’s sake are pure. It is their surroundings which taint the angelic in them.

Are you guys for real?I think some of you have the wrong forum.How can something so innocent get so f…ed up.Please reread the posts, and see how far you are from the spirit of the thread.

Jerry is right, all of us contain worlds within, all of us are God.

Here’s a God I created myself.

So - for future referrence - if you should wish to surprise God, do it with flash photography…

Um, sorry to break it to you but U R not God. and
even thought your baby is beautiful he is not GOd.

Jerry was on to something when you he said his children
might be proof of God…if he meant “Gods work” when he said “God.”

I don’t think he thinks his kids are all powerful and the father of

Also I would think twice before posting neked photo of your kin
on places like the internets. Would you want your butt on line for the
world to see? A very inapropriate move on your part on behalf of the child
who may some day recent you, not just for your new age silly ideas of
God is all of us, but also for exposing her without garments for all
modernity to witness.

Uh, thanks dad!! :angry:

PS: You have a great child. You R blessed.

Hey Rage , well my little angry friend, your definition of the ‘G’ word is quite as good as mine - so if I want to say little Tab is a little God in the making, then refutation is impossible… My point is - I have an entire, and unique in its totallity, universe, modelled in realtime in my head, distinct from the outer. I created it with my first breath, and first glance, outside the of the womb. Hell - maybe even earlier. So has little Tab. One that grows in complexity with each passing second.

I’m not God :laughing: but then again - what is these days…?

Why not - Christ was a child at some point, and so was his father. As for the all-powerful front, in our dreams, we all leap high buildings with a single bound.

I daresay his butt will change beyond all recognition in the coming years… And my child will no doubt resent me simply for being alive and old and authoritarian when the time comes, anonymous naked internet pics will be way down on the list…

My silly new age ideas of God… :unamused: Tell me Rage, what’s your logical old-age idea of God…? I need a laugh at the moment.

believe me when it comes to the G-word you really are lost too like adler-jew, i have my work cut out here dont i.

A while ago i met a person not unlike you and i M sorry to say this but it did not turn out pretty.

your kid, bless her, if she has a soul you speak of she will say “E-nuff!” and i hope I will be there to see it as it really is a beautiful thing when someone finds christ but you wouldn’t know. let me just ask u one thing? when you said your kid wont be mad about her but on the www, R you b-ing serious?

my old “the letterman” personality has kicked in full-force. that deserves 3 smile!
:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Tabula Rasa there is no way that you created this beautiful creature yourself.You MUST have had a partner.Are you suggesting that you are a virgin and a father?Then again it happened once why not twice.Go figure!

I posted what I did after a complex reaction to the thread. I will break it down as clearly and accurately as possible, but remember that I am describing a reaction.

  1. I saw the thread and was intrigued by the title. I wasn’t sure if it was a serious thread or one created by some UFO conspiracy-type. Then, I saw that Jerry had created it and was sure that it would be something within his range. All at once that last sentence was an insult and a compliment.
  2. I opened the thread and was instantly shocked. My mind was flooded first with the idea that white, obviously middle to upper-class, children where a photograph of god. That seemed so “Jerry” with his capitalism/Christianity interests.
  3. Then, within the same second of insight I thought that the kids bore more than a passing appearance to monkeys. The girl a chimp and the soccer kid a screaming monkey swinging from a tree. I thought that it was ironic.
  4. My mind then switched back to the photograph of god concept and I thought that yes, this is what people like Jerry want to believe about life and god. He’s a happy well-adjusted white kid. He’s not the guy with a four pound tumor on his face, because what would that mean? There are other people and kids out there that look remarkably different than these two cuties, and what does the photo that they produce mean?
  5. To me all of this is indicative of the modern capitalist-Christian. It’s an insular life-style and belief system that is ultimately self-serving.
  6. So, I decided to do a search for some pictures of children that showed humanity at both it’s most meager and animalistic state. If these children are a photo of god then what is that saying about his character? Now, I wouldn’t promote an argument against god because of evil, as I would see evil as part of the test that we have to go through to achieve heaven. Rather, my point was to break the “god is sweetness and light” mood of the original post. Additionally, and totally by chance, I found photos that really brought out the reality that humans are clearly primates.
  7. Finally, I included some photos of adults engaged in sad or strange activities to drive home the point that adults were also children at one time. So, has the photo faded and is it the case that adults are no longer in “his” image or what? Also, I posted the adult pictures to show the kind of “monkey business” that humans are capable of.

That’s the basics of what went through my mind. At once you have an example of a monkey-man trying desperately to be something other than what he is, and you have an example of narcissism caused by a religion that “should” be generating the exact opposite feeling.

I think your reaction was brilliant, funny and efficient. But it does sidestep one part of Jerry’s message, maybe because you’re so eager to attack the easier targets in Jerry’s message.

Many of us took it to mean these were his kids. Yes, they happen to be beautiful, but why would Jerry pick out random kids to make a point? More likely he was saying that to him, the emotion this experience of gazing at his children stirs in him, that emotion is evidence of a higher power. Or that God is evidenced in these creatures that stir such supernatural levels of love in Jerry.

I myself would credit evolutionary psychology (a lame phrase but it fits) for these intense feelings of love. Jerry is merely restating the teleological component to God’s existence, but he did it in a clever way, and frankly it was more about Jerry expressing his happiness than about his beliefs or interest in proving his beliefs.

So the first reaction should be “wow, such cute kids,” and then you can debate teleology or whatever. I know Jerry. He does not think only white kids reflect God or anything like that. What he means is: have kids, then you will know a love that’ll make you believe there must be a God. I personally think that’s a simplification, but not an uncommon one and Jerry deserves a break here. Parents deserve some flexibility, just like holocaust victims are allowed by rabbis to become atheists without repercussions.

On another note, Adlerian, did you notice Rage’s use of capital letters in the post above? In order, it forms a word. Creepy. Happy Halloween.