Phuzzy Phrazes

  1. IMHO–
    Do you have a dishonest opinion? Opinion is not the problem; honesty is.
  2. At the end of the day–
    What day is that? Today? All days?
  3. The bottom line is–
    Net pay after everybody else got their steal.
  4. And yours?

I always take IMHO to mean, In my HUMBLE opinion.

this is what it means

Is honesty that far from humble?

Pretty much. I just don’t think I could satirize IMHO with H as honest instead of humble, IMNSVHO. Lol

they don’t mean the same thing…

I acknowledge that I erred in noting what IMHO means, but lament the fact that this became an issue instead of noting hackneyed phrases we all use and trying to figure out why we use them. That being said (another one}, I ask the moderators to delete this thread or relgate it to rant house. There are much more important issues to be considered here. One I would like to see is the organic nature of word meanings.

Moved to Mundane Babble at OP’s request.

I always knew is as ‘honest’ as well to be honest…

But crikey, this brings the name ‘mundane babble’ to a whole new level! Haha. :smiley:

It is what it is.

[size=85](Cripes, a hackneyed phrase is my 1000th post? Oh, the awful irony…)[/size]