
Russell once said that philosophy might be the no mans’ land betwixt science and religion, vulnerable to both sides.

I meditate on this.

At last I decide: for me philosophy is the art of ideas, using the paint colours of mathematics and poetry. In the end we have a garage full of old paintings stacked against the wall. And someone paints that image and calls it “collection of ideas,” and sells it to a flabby divorcé by the name of Cheryl or Cherise. PROBABLY Cherise…and she can’t appreciate the painting of the paintings so she watches e-Hollywood instead, masturbates herself to sleep. The painting of the painting winds up in her garage. Someone takes a picture of it and then someone paints that person taking the picture.

i like how the image of the painting, and the image of the image, is always preseved in the new picture.

“What he really said was…” The original new and improved… :unamused:

I have tried to put science, philosophy, and religion into a system like the system of the classical Chinese elements:

I started with shamanism. It seems to me that religion “overcomes” (kills) this. So we could say shamanism is fire and religion is water. Religion generates art (Wood), which in turn generates shamanism. Shamanism generates science (Earth). Science generates philosophy (Metal), which in turn generates religion. So philosophy is indeed the missing link between science and religion, but science comes first and religion later. Christianity was overcome by science. Indeed, Western philosophy up to Nietzsche was the handmaid of Christianity. Science must now, or next, either be overcome by art or generate philosophy. Indeed, I think that science will be overcome by art which was indirectly generated by that very science. Thus Nietzsche’s (shamanistic) scientism gave rise to a scientific philosophy, which in turn gave rise to a philosophical religion, which has given, and will give, birth to religious art.

Religious art is a subset of collection of ideas.

I mentioned the word painting in my OP seven times and left the chinese out of it. Religious art crying in the cobwebs of an old garage. Fine. Fitting if a blonde, blue-eyed jesus.