Something my mom once taught me …
Actually, there is plenty of physical evidence for the existence of God.
For some unjustifiable reason, God seems to have gotten the reputation that he is invisible.
Partly, that’s because of God’s spiritual aspect. Like us, God’s spirituality – God’s heart, mind and soul – is imperceptible to the senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Spirituality is simply not concrete (physical). Only through the inner “sense” of true intuition are we aware of the spirituality of our self. We can only “withinly” “sense” our spirituality via intuitition because our spirituality exists within us and nowhere else. And our heart’s ontology tells us that others, like God, have spirituality too.
But, as to the concrete (physical) evidence of God’s existence, one can most certainly see, hear, touch, taste and smell God, just as we can so-sense the existence of another human being.
But, in the instance of sensing God, size really does matter!
“What? You can’t see God?”
“No, I can’t – God’s invisible.”
No he’s not, just look around you."
“Okay, I AM looking around me, all I see is earth and trees and birds and others and sky and space and all – I don’t see God.”
“Well, just what do you think all of that stuff is, anyway?”
“All that stuff you see, that’s God.”
“No it isn’t, that’s just a bunch of stuff, that isn’t “God”.”
“Yes it is – it’s a part of God.”
“A “part” of God???”
“Yes, it’s just a part of God. Surely you weren’t expecting to see ALL of God when you looked around!? God is the name of the infinite universe which is infinitely huge. You can’t see ALL of God – your eyes can’t see that far. When you look around, you’re just seeing a part of God, not all of God, just the part within your vision.”
"Ohhhh … … "
“Wait a minute. So when you looked around for God you were really expecting to see a “whole person”???”
“Yeah … I guess I was.”
“Well, that doesn’t make sense, does it?”
“Heh, heh – I guess you’re right. I never thought of it that way. God isn’t invisible. It’s just that I’m seeing only a teeny tiny part of great big God when I look around. Wow! I didn’t even really know what I was looking at!”