I’ll take a break from the usual banter and write something that will likely annoy a number of people here to no end. One trouble I have had with regards to the sciences is peoples perceptions of them as a form of absolute or as entirely correct.
This is a false misconception that simply ignores far too much and imposes too much responsability onto science as a whole. Science is neither complete nore is it pure truth. It is, if nothing else, a method to relate physical phenomonon to an understandable format, namely mathematics.
a chief example being what we regard as the three findimental laws of motion.
- an object in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.
- The relationship between an object’s mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma.
3… For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
the first and last are simply natural phenomonon, one that newton observed and noted, nothing spectacular there except that he made it public knowledge.
the second one is an observed phenomonon that was described using mathamatics, the phenomonon allready exsisted he simply showed what the corrilation was using math.
from there we have derrived our overtly complicated system known as physics, the formulas in physics are mathamatical equasions used to show the relation between verious mesurable aspects or variables, ie. mass, displacement, time, and their various formats, velosity = change in displacement over time, Acceleration= change in velosity over time, etc.
We can then use these formulas to estimate results of verious interactions of said variables and determine a desirable outcome, ie determining the amount of gunpouder required to fling a cannonball three miles (mass of cannonball, average force created by said volume of gunpowder, force required to move said cannonball said distance, etc.)
as a result the formulas we use are extremely complicated to afford for each affordable combination of variables, ie. mesurable aspects, and derive outcome.
The theories used in physics are, for lack of a better description, metophors used to describe this relation to the lamen, who does not understand the mathamatics on their own. and as such many lamen think these theories are the truth and so causes conflict when the theories change or conflict with oneanother.
the only truth to physics is that the formulas are a mathamatic description of a mesurable phenomon.
On a side note: if sir Issiac Newton could see some of the stupid arguments said “scientists” are having about postulating theory, he’d probably laugh himself into his grave at the whole idea.
wether you agree with me or not, I would like to hear your oppinions, at least so I don’t feel my post has fallen onto a deaf audiance who cares more about fighting than they do about the truth beyond.