Pick-Up Theory

I am unfamiliar with the art of the pick up. I have heard of and have witnessed people accomplishing in a single night what usually takes me months to accomplish: a man sees a woman at a bar, finds her attractive, initiates a conversation, and gains her trust enough to have one is commonly called a “one-night stand”, a single night of sex, for all intents and purposes anonymous, after which the two parties never contact each other again. This arrangement, from start to finish, has boggled my mind for all my sexually aware years.
My question for those of you with the experience and abilities is, how the hell is this accomplished? I would like to know as much as I can about the process, in whatever level of abstraction or specificity you feel capable of providing. I want to understand in theory this mysterious practice. Whether you’re Don Juan and pick up a new woman each night, or have loads of experience with failing to do so, let me know what you have learned about the dos and don’ts of this process.
And I don’t mean to be exclusive with this request, though I may be being a bit sexist. I have it in my head that women have an easier time picking up guys than vise versa. If this isn’t true, I would be interested in what women have learned about the process. If it is, I’d like to know, if I may be so bold, what has worked on you, and what has failed to impress you?
(I’m really not as pathetic as I may seem. I have a steady girlfriend and am not looking to use this information, but rather to understand it to satisfy some sort of intellectual curiosity. Believe it or not…)



I used to be clueless with women. THen I read David DeAngelo and watched his video series.

If there were an infomercial for it, I’d be considered a success story. Now I have a girlfriend, but let’s just say things were interesting and very busy for quite a few years.

It has never happened, it has always been a big fairy tale, all men have always failed. Maybe if you have a alot of money and are very good looking you might have a chance, but you are probably also ugly and poor so…

The trick is to identify a woman who doesn’t care what you are saying, and just wants to get laid, by you, or by a reasonable facsimile of you. The “technique” is mostly just a way of fooling yourself into thinking that the techinique has anything to do with your success rate. It is to inspire self-confidence.

Women like to dance. Picking them up is like dancing - Fred Astaire-style. The only trick is nonchalance. They don’t actually want to trust you. They only want you to care so little that you’re probably not a freak. Wearing a wedding ring helps.

first off you need a truck with a scoop


An ice cream truck? Haven’t we covered this?