Pictured: Spectacular images of deep space...

Ooh, look at the lights :astonished:

Pictured: Spectacular images of deep space caught by an amateur astronomer - from his back garden

I so wanna know what the properties of space hold elsewhere in the universe, that is if spatial properties differ, if at all :-k

This guy has defineitely made history with those imagesā€¦

regardless of who you are, if you can behold this picture and yet fail to find yourself completely and utterly humbled, then you havenā€™t made a sincere attempt to understand it

Space is truly stunning - if there was a space-travel mission aā€™la Star Trek style, I would so sign up for that, to relish the challenge of such a lifeā€¦

and why is it that looking into this picture cannot but make us feel humbled by it?..is it because we can see ourselves as a part of it and cannot bear to acknowledge what we see in ourselves?..is it because we are able to sense the divine through looking at it and can only say a humbling ā€œahā€? is it because as we are always becoming and becoming and becoming, we can look at that and see IT as still becoming and have a sense, an awareness, of ourselves?

are we humbled in the face of THAT because we do indeed come from thatā€¦have emerged from THAT?

can you imagine it - WE COME FROM THAT!!! we all carry within us some of that essence? IMAGINE IT!!!

Imagine all that matter being compressed to the size of a hydrogen atom -43^23 of a second before the expansion occured some 13 or 15 billion years ago. Supposedly quarks were rubbing against one another at that point.

AH!!! imagine we were all there, little bitty pieces of energy were we, "jumping up and downā€™ and squealing with delight, waiting with bated breath to explode out of the universeā€¦and thus becoming little bitty pieces of undulating light waves and energy, billions upon billions of us, descending and descending like a glorious gleeful :laughing: shower of interconnectedness.

what the hell happened to us? :-k

We obtained a spirit and sentience. :smiley: At least from my prospective.

ah and so we didā€¦ i do agree with youā€¦i must not throw the baby out with the bathwater. and i do think and feel that humanity is beautiful at its bestā€¦and at its worse, it can be.

would that be the same as we having had taken a bite out of that apple perhaps? :-k

That is an interesting notion. In respect to Magsj OP though, maybe I shouldnā€™t derail the thread by delving further into that question. That would be an interesting discussion in the ā€˜Religionā€™ board. Perhaps you could begin a topic in that regard there? :slight_smile:

:laughing: why does everything have to do with religion? why canā€™t it go into mundane babble or questions or even social science or science?

No, I think itā€™s differentā€¦ as a matter of Natural Science, it was not an apple that affected us, rather, it was that we stared at the stairs too long, and burnt our vision. Itā€™s all optics. :laughing:

huh and twice today i have been stymied. you mean a matter of perception? #-o

explain yourself Sir

If I might quote from a tune:

Comes a time
when the blind man
takes your hand
says donā€™cha see
got to make it somehow
on the dreams you still believe
donā€™t give it up
youā€™ve got an empty cup
that only love can fill
only love can fillā€¦

(Robert Hunter)

That is, perhaps itā€™s not a matter of seeing per se, the apple in the eye, or the de-sire, or dis-aster, but of feeling something about it. Perhaps itā€™s proprioceptory, or vestibular. Definintely Natural Science, thoughā€¦ =;

Because that is where my thoughts would have taken me. :slight_smile: Iā€™m sort of bent that way on the Adam and Eve association.

Hi to All,

Something I have noticed:

Arcturus rising looks Magsjā€™s picture and thinks

I look at Liteninboltā€™s quote

and think

ā€œThatā€™s a lot of negative timeā€¦.maybe -4.3^2310^23. Since a year is about 310^7, it must be about negative 4.3^23 times 3 years. Thatā€™s a lot of time ā€“ more time than the age of the universe; and since itsā€™ negative that must mean it happened after the expansion.ā€

Arcturusā€™ mind is broad, imaginative, and inclusive.

My mind is narrow, linear, petty, boring, and a little stupid.

Hey Arcturus, do you want to swap brains?

no, but i might consider giving you a little piece of both sides. trust me, that might be all you need. :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Arcturus,

I think you have just given me a piece of your mind. :blush:


:laughing: :laughing: i think you just might have taken what i said the wrong way. :laughing: there was no threat alluded to there :blush: - so donā€™t worry. take away how it may have sounded to you - and what is left? if i were able, perhaps i would give you a small piece of both sides, and throw in some chemicals to boot, but really you donā€™t need mine. you just want to take full advantage of yours - look, i mean really LOOK, listen, pay attention and let it all simply be absorbed into you.

by the time you are finished, you may want to return those pieces to meā€¦and i will gladly take them back :laughing: :banana-dance:

Actually that was a hypothesis of scientists dividing up a second by that amount which to my estimation is 4,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 seperate parts of a second. Splitting a fine hair as it were. At that point in time before the expansion they theorize sub atomic particles were rubbing against each other. The measurement of heat in kelvin was multi millions od degrees too.