please read this

build your own personal character peacefully because your destiny is depended on it.

determinism is deadly correct and fully accurate, so trust your intincts, unleash your free will.

be gentle, because gentleness of spirit can ease all the disharmonies in your soul.

understand your soul because a happy philosophy and outlook on life is important and essential to self actualization.

that’s all for today.

now remember we are all made of stars. lets shine!

could you please explain in more detail

Thank goodness. My leg started to fall asleep.

I think thats beautiful.

i’d rather think real and logically than ‘thinksweet’

that philosophy is more suited for a cutsie feel good anime, if it can rightly be called philosophy.

Thank you, Scott. It wasn’t one of my better replies but it was funny, if I may say so.

Wait…are you talking about Miss Candy Land’s post?

pass the sick bag quick!

What!? Last time I checked, a belief in determinism might cause problems in unleashing your free will.

How can we “think sweetly” when we live in a society where murder, rape, and drugs are not only understanable, but ACCEPTED? What does it say about the nature of people when we cannot wait for the Goriest movie ofthe year to come out so we can enjoy the idea of all the crazy people doing what we wish we could do: unleash.

People are not naturally nice and “sweet”. Every man has the potential for both good and evil and most don’t see the difference


unleash your free will.

be gentle, because gentleness of spirit can ease all the disharmonies in your soul.


    Here is how this thing is put together- One spirit (The Great Spirit ) permeates all matter. The mind  (and the ego)is a product of electron exchange in the brain. The body is matter.

   At ceasation of life functions the ...body is recycled....mind, and all that it thinks it is, will disappear ... spirit is eternal.

   The Great Spirit discerns it's intent for  physical manifestation. The ego hinders and many human things have become lost in matter and all its beatiful forms. All matter has awareness.

      We are  spirit in physical manifest NOT a body with a soul in it. The latter is egocentric. And free will works like this:  One - the ego can partner with The Great Spirit, or Two - decide not to.

Is partnership free? I could decide to never partner and thus be truly free. Am I misunderstanding this?

    Inspite of the human ego there is a  intent for physical exitence. And the Great Spirit does not want your worship, adoration, or partnership. Live your life.

I don’t understand the function of intent in your argument. Also, is it true that either your 1 or 2 are proper responses, does one give a better result than the other?

…There is only one living being. Everything else is things. The human is a thing with a sense of self with a sense of living. The being is The Great Spirit. We are spirit in physical manifest.
… A slice of pizza is not the pizza. But it is pizza. We are not the Great Spirit. But we are spirit.
…Some pizza pie seperately think they are nationalities, religions, races etc. And that is not the intent.
…And in the Number 2 response fear is the control. Egocentristy produces mental anguish. True happiness is unobtainable.
… Be pizza. Or let ego run things.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

thinksweet remindith yee of your own sickness?

I love the pizza metaphor, very tasty. Tu Shun attempts the same argument using the sea, does he not? Okay, response number two is bad, but why?

Wonderfully hilarious! :laughing: Thank you so much for introducing me to the work of Nicholas Gurewitch. He is a automatically a new favorite.