You pointed towards a dream of unearthly happiness.
You were standing still,
without beckoning me,
and I approached nearer to you.
one moment away from you,
hoping forever to bridge the gap
Straining against unseen hands holding me back,
Every invisible force inhibiting me
pressing onward,
fighting to cross the threshold
One moment away from peace
I caught for a moment the scent of your soul
Fire and incense bringing prayers to the heavens
Tickling the ears of the divine,
Child of the air, flying forever, fleet and free
What joy and bliss you gave to me
Your many essences inspire me again and again
Longing to dance with you,
Longing to hold you close,
Longing to press my lips upon your ever tenderness
Longing to hear your breath in the deep of night
Longing to be near you for each of your smiles and tears
Why was I given this call?
What has drawn me here?
What is the meaning of this tugging?
Who are you?
I thought I had recognized you but I must have been mistaken.
Yet there is something here
A tiny thread like spider’s silk which ties us together,
although the manner of the alliance is unclear.
Uneasy now, for I have asked and dreamed too much,
I have anticipated futures that are not mine.
I must suspect that we are aligned in many words,
With a different inflection in each
I felt the echoes from those other possibilities and
Hoped they were fragments of my tomorrows.
So help me to lay aside those wishes,
And find what yet we can create and discover together.
You are yet a part of me, and I am a part of you, as we are both a part of something much larger than both of us.
(Our meeting is a moment of destiny.
From this node many important fates proceed.
I hope that I may come to better understand this unfolding and leave my wounded ego behind for a moment to find the truth that is present but unseen.
There is much to be done, let us see what we can do if we combined our efforts.
The world may yet be aided.)