Poem: Fire Angel

What passion burns in my soul?
To have seen you and to have witnessed such an earth turning transformation?
The touch of your true power upon my unguarded skin,
desperately finding freckles,
frozen in awe,
I dare not move
One breath away from complete conflagration
Dazzling and dazing to behold
Fierce Angel of the Encasing Inferno

Flames flow like water from your tiny center, ever pouring forth
Crimson light dancing in deepest shadow, birthing prayers
You and the world are one force, one power
Cold, black, impenetrable eyes, glitter in the flickering flames
Open, watchful, absorbing me
I pray for release, only you can give me
Spread your fiery wings and soar

Back again, turning again
Delicate and tender, fragile in the morning mist
Enveloped in a cloud of fire’s fine fragrance
Intensity imbued air, sweat earth and stale fire
A face unmade of igneous stone, slowly cooling

Recalling that dream which never awakens

A ship running against a bottomless sea
Her anchors extended, still drifting beneath the waves
Relentlessly seeking purchase
The destiny is here, and yet there is no way to remain

Turn away,
Sail past the abysmal sea
Leaving the depth within endless depth
Let her reach the surface
Breathe again
Live again.

Fleet and daring, untouchable
Flash, speak and you shatter me
I break apart into wholeness
Made wrong, the tension of the tower is unleashed as the links burst at the seams
Go back and start again